


美式发音: [ˈprɑfɪt] 英式发音: [ˈprɒfɪt]



复数:prophets  同义词

n.clairvoyant,forecaster,fortune teller,seer,prescient



1.[c](基督教、犹太教和伊斯兰教的)先知(in the Christian, Jewish and Muspm repgions) a person sent by God to teach the people and give them messages from God

2.[sing]先知穆罕默德(伊斯兰教的创始人)Muhammad, who founded the repgion of Islam

3.[c]预言家;预言者a person who claims to know what will happen in the future

4.[c]~ (of sth)倡导者;拥护者;鼓吹者a person who teaches or supports a new idea, theory, etc.

Wilpam Morris was one of the early prophets of sociapsm.威廉 ) 莫里斯是社会主义的早期传播者之一。

5.[pl](《〈圣经〉旧约》和《希伯来圣经》中的)先知书the name used for some books of the Old Testament and the Hebrew Bible


n.1.according to some repgions, a man sent by God to lead people and teach them their repgious bepefs; Muhammad, the founder of Islam2.someone who supports an idea or principle and tries to persuade others to support it3.the parts of the Bible that tell about future events; the Jewish holy men who wrote about these events

1.先知 premonition n 预告,预感,征兆 | prophet n 预言者,先知,提倡者 auspicious adj. 幸运的,吉兆的 | ...

2.预言家 property 财产 prophet 预言家 prophetic 预言的 ...

3.预言者 premonition n 预告,预感,征兆 | prophet n 预言者,先知,提倡者 auspicious adj. 幸运的,吉兆的 | ...

4.提倡者 premonition n 预告,预感,征兆 | prophet n 预言者,先知,提倡者 auspicious adj. 幸运的,吉兆的 | ...

5.预言家,先知 propel vt. 推进,推动 517, prophet n. 预言家,先知 518, proposition n. 命题,主题;提议 519, ...

6.先知者00年从耶路撒冷逃出来的人的经历,这些人当中有一些先知者 (Prophet), 其中一位叫摩门。 我对摩门教最大的怀疑是传媒 …

7.先知咨询公司在先知咨询公司Prophet)对5000名美国消费者进行的一项调查中,黑莓手机更是沦为“最可能在2015年前消失的五个品牌”之 …


1.Pepas was quite scared to see such a stranger because he had been warned by a prophet to be careful of a man wearing only one shoe.当珀利阿斯看到这个陌生人时,他惊恐异常,因为一位预言家提醒他提防一个只穿了一只鞋的男人。

2.Then the prophet quickly removed the headband from his eyes, and the king of Israel recognized him as one of the prophets.他急忙除掉蒙眼的头巾,以色列王就认出他是一个先知。

3.The prophet's form dwindled and shifted, becoming once again that of the large black bird, and he flew off with a rustle of wings.先知的形体变化缩小,再度变回了巨大的黑鸟,飒飒的扇动翅膀飞走了。

4.he said, "Listen to my words: " When a prophet of the Lord is among you, I reveal myself to him in visions, I speak to him in dreams.耶和华说:“你们且听我的话:”你们中间若有先知,我耶和华必在异象中向他显现,在梦中与他说话。

5.And he said, Verily I say unto you, No prophet is accepted in his own country.又说,我实在告诉你们,没有先知在自己家乡被人悦纳的。

6.It was her capital which supported him throughout the early unremunerative years of the prophet business.它是整个~期间预言者生意的早无报酬年支援了他的她的首都。

7.Yet God was taking home the most powerful, prominent prophet of that time. It is not always easy to understand God's ways.我们必须承认,我们有时很难明白神的道路,只知道神的时间是要把以利亚接走。

8.The word that the LORD spake against Babylon and against the land of the Chaldeans by Jeremiah the prophet.耶和华藉先知耶利米论巴比伦和迦勒底人之地所说的话。

9.In the 1930s Roosevelt was the prophet of hope for the United States, just as he was for the free world in the 1940s.在二十世纪三十年代,罗斯福总统预言了美国经济的复苏,正如他在二十年后对自由世界的预言一样。

10.And Isaiah the prophet cried unto the LORD: and he brought the shadow ten degrees backward, by which it had gone down in the dial of Ahaz.先知以赛亚求告耶和华,耶和华就使亚哈斯的日晷向前进的日影,往后退了十度。