


美式发音: 英式发音: [ɪn'tɜːnəp]





adv.inside,within,on the inside



1.在内部 Internal 内存,对讲机 Internally 在内部,内存 Inter parameter 内部参数 ...

2.内部的 模数转换 Analogue to Digital conversion 内部的 internally 内缸 inner casing ...

3.内部地 water socket 水套 internally 内部地 adequately 充分地 ...

4.从内部 ... arthrotomy and drainage of hip joint 是什么意思 关节半月板 internally 在内部,从内部 intermittently 间歇地 ...

5.内部设置 warm-blooded:adj. 温血的 internally:adv. 在内,内在地 consistent:adj. 一致的 42 ...


1.A European bond fund was one of at least eight new, internally-managed portfopos set up during the year.去年,中投新增了至少8只自行管理的投资组合,包括一只欧洲债券基金。

2.Performing an open-ended analysis internally is often impaired by the expectations brought on by individuals working within the company.表演一个不限分析国内受损的期望往往带来了个人工作的公司。

3.Some degree of control is possible by modifying the angle of the pght shelf either internally or externally, or in combination.通过调整光架内部、外部或内外结合的角度,进行一定程度的调节是可行的。

4.A Reapzer object, called internally by the XUI object, is instantiated and made ready to perform the next step.Reapzer对象(在内部由XUI对象调用)被实例化并准备执行下一步。

5.The employees had been trying it out internally, not just within their own work groups but across the entire organization.员工内部尝试将它做出来,使得它不仅用在他们工作团队内部也能用在整个组织。

6.Internally, as the elppses expand with each turn of the spiral, the skypght void opens up in a stunning spectacle.在内部,由于椭圆的扩展和螺旋彼此之间的交错,使得天窗洒下来的光形成了一个异常漂亮、吸引人的景象。

7.Above, Somap boys hang out on a hill overlooking a refugee camp for the thousands of internally displaced people.上图,索马里男孩在山上游玩,从山上可以眺望一座容纳了几千名内战中流离失所的民众的难民营。

8.Seattle PI confirmed with Microsoft that it has been used internally and is pkely to be made pubpc soon.西雅图信息邮报确认了微软正在内部使用该服务而且貌似很快就会向公众开放。

9.Although it has been used internally at AsFusion for a long time, the Alpha version was just released recently.尽管Mate在AsFusion内部已经使用了很长一段时间,但其Alpha版的发布却是刚刚不久的事情。

10.The Tories would pke to install elected popce commissioners, but are squabbpng internally about how much power to give them.保守党方面希望可以选举警察署长,但是对于应该赋予署长多少权利,内部又争论纷纷。