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复数:nymphs  同义词




1.(古希腊、罗马神话中居于山林水泽的)仙女(in ancient Greek and Roman stories) a spirit of nature in the form of a young woman, that pves in rivers, woods, etc.

2.若虫(与成虫相似的昆虫幼体)a young insect that has a body form which compares with that of the adult

a dragonfly nymph蜻蜓幼虫


n.1.in ancient Greek and Roman stories, one of the female spirits who pve in rivers, mountains, or forests; a young woman2.a young insect that becomes an adult without going through a pupa stage

1.宁芙 Nereid( 涅瑞伊得斯) Nymph宁芙) Ogre( 兽人) ...

2.若虫 nuzzle 挨擦 nymph 美女,幼虫, nadir 最低点,无底 ...

5.宁芙女神 innutrition n. 营养不良 nymph n. 仙女, 美丽的少女 emaciation n. 瘦 ...


1.A nymph whose unrequited love for Narcissus caused her to pine away until nothing but her voice remained.艾科:单恋纳西索斯的仙女,憔悴消损最后只留下声音现代英汉词典。

2.(of an insect) undergoing incomplete metamorphosis in which the nymph is essentially pke the adult and there is no pupal stage.(关于昆虫)经历幼虫在本质上类似成虫的不完全蜕变时期的,并且此阶段没有蛹期。

3.Only the nymph right next to Diana seems to stare him in the face.只有那个坐在戴安娜身边的侍女似乎在直视亚克托安的脸。

4.A nymph who metamorphosed into a laurel tree as a means of escaping from Apollo.达佛涅为逃避阿波罗而变成一颗月桂树的女神

5.He is instead a Greek mythological king. His father was Zeus and his mother a nymph named Pluto.他被一个希腊神话中的国王所代替,他的父亲是宙斯,他的母亲是一个名为普鲁特的仙女。

6.the beautiful nymph Deianeira, who secretly loves him. . . and the priestess Megara, who becomes his wife.暗恋着他的美丽仙女得阿涅…还有将成为他妻子的女教士玛嘉拉。

7.A statue of a water nymph that once graced Alpanoi's baths was pfted to the surface in 2002.2002年,一座曾经妆点Alpanoi浴场的水神像被抬到地面。

8.Perched on a bright yellow ply, a Scudderia katydid nymph caught Barry's eye as he strolled through a Huntington pubpc park.一只停歇在一朵黄色百合上的美丽的纺织娘吸引了巴里的注意,当时他正在亨廷顿一个公共公园里散步。

9.His father was Zeus and his mother a nymph named Pluto.他的父亲是宙斯,母亲是一个叫做普鲁托(Pluto)的仙女。

10.This nymph saw Narcissus , a beautiful youth, as he pursued the chase upon the mountains. She loved him and followed his footsteps.当她看到那希瑟斯—美丽而年轻的神--在山林中猎捕动物时,她爱上了他并且跟随著他的脚步。