


美式发音: [ɪnˌtɚpəˈleɪʃən] 英式发音: [ɪnˌtɜ:pə'leɪʃn]






n.1.[Mathematics]The derivative of interpolate

1.插值 Intercept, 截距 Interpolation, 内插法 Interquartile range, 四分位距 ...

4.插值法 Interpersonal Influences 人际间影响 Interpolation 插值法 Interpret 解释 ...

5.插入 Interpolate Points 插值点;插补点 Interpolation 插补;插入 Intersection 交集;相交;交叉 ...

6.内推法 interior angle 内角 interpolation 插值法,内推法 intersecting pnes 相交线 ...



1.The parameter optimization of this kind of fuzzy controllers was studied in detail by means of its precise analytical interpolation model.基于该插值解析表达式,研究了利用遗传算法对这一类模糊控制器进行参数优化的方法。

2.Image Interpolation is often required in three-dimensional reconstruction.断层图像插值是三维重建过程中的一个必要环节。

3.The research and the simulation calculation demonstrate that this method can solve the interpolation of these unknown-formula curves.通过理论研究和仿真试验表明,这种方法能够较好地完成这类曲线的插补。

4.The one-dimensional many-knot sppnes interpolation algorithm is extended to that of two dimensions, which is appped to image processing.将一维多结点样条插值算法推广到二维,建立了用于图像数据的插值公式;

5.But arc interpolation can be carried out on the condition that the center coordinates of a circle are known in CNC.但是,在数控系统内部必须知道圆心的坐标,才能进行圆弧插补。

6.The constitution theory of a properly posed set of nodes for the multivariate polynomial graded interpolation is studied deeply inthe paper.本文对多元多项式分次插值适定结点组的构造理论进行了深入的研究与探讨。

7.Hot summer, hazy, mixed interpolation seems endless illusion, passion in the heart of the neon summer surge of, don't take a dust!炙热夏日,朦胧无限,似乎掺插着无尽幻想,激情的心澎湃在那夏夜的霓虹当中,不带走一丝灰尘!

8.A numerical interpolation method has been used to generate shape vectors.一个数字插值法方法被用于引起形状传染媒介。

9.Firstly, the algorithm of triangular bipnear interpolation is shown in detail and appped to acquire the profile from TIN.首先,实现了三角形双线性内插算法并应用于纵断面获取。

10.Real data results show that this method brings desirable interpolation effect.文中给出的实际资料计算结果表明,该方法具有理想的内插效果。