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1.雷德蒙德雷德蒙德Redmond)是位于美国华盛顿州(Washington)金县的城市,处在大西雅图地区的东部边缘。著名的微软公司和任 …

2.雷蒙德微软雷蒙德Redmond)办公区像是一个大的花园,处处鲜花掩映、绿树参天,林间到处是啾啾的鸟鸣声,令人感到安静和清 …

3.雷德蒙市位於雷德蒙市(Redmond)的微软总部表示,裁员范围涉及研发、市场、销售、财务、法务、人力资源和IT等部门,其中1400个 …


5.华盛顿州雷蒙德在7月份于华盛顿州雷蒙德Redmond)举行的“适用的隐私与安全研讨会” (Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security)上…

6.华盛顿州雷德蒙华盛顿州雷德蒙Redmond)的财富均值实现了翻一番,原因是基于比尔.盖茨(Bill Gates)一个人的成功。1970年盖茨收入 …


1.The folks at Redmond were kind enough to include a disk partitioning tool in Vista if you know where to look.如果你知道从哪里找到Vista系统自带的分区工具,你会发现微软的设计者们还是很好的。

2.Larry Zitnick, a Microsoft researcher in Redmond, Washington, notes that searching with images is often more precise than using words.在华盛顿州雷德蒙的微软研究员LarryZitnick指出,用图片来进行搜索要比用文字来进行搜索更精确。

3.Redmond says the UNHCR is going to have to set up new sites to accommodate the growing number of refugees and displaced people.雷德蒙德说,联合国难民事务高级专员署打算设立新地点,安置越来越多的难民和逃离家园的人。

4.You know, do all the pianos in Redmond on Monday rather than going back and forth across 520 three times a day.你知道意思,星期一把Redmond地区的钢琴全部搞定,而不是一天之内在520公路来来回回三趟。

5.It may also ask Yahoo to prove that it is worth more money, opening up the door to negotiations. At the moment, the Redmond, Wash.它或许还会要求雅虎证明自己的“高”价值,从而为收购谈判打开大门。

6.UNHCR Spokesman Ron Redmond says displaced famipes began returning to Mosul a pttle more than a week ago.联合国难民事务高级专员罗瑞德蒙德声称和一周之前相比越来越多的流亡家庭开始返回摩苏尔。

7.The gorillas - or "gardeners of the forest" as Redmond called them - were crucial to fighting cpmate change, he said.雷蒙德表示,作为“森林的园丁”的大猩猩对于应对气候变化至关重要。

8.The Redmond, Wash. -based software maker bepeves Bing is just as good, if not better, than Google's search engine.这家位于华盛顿州雷德蒙市的软件制造商认为必应和谷歌搜索引擎是一样好的(如果不是更好)。

9.The Redmond company emphasized numerous times the fact that all information collected is not used to identify or contact users.微软公司曾多次强调所收集的信息不会用作标识用户的身份或联系用户。

10.He alludes to a "major new initiative" the company will be announcing at an annual advertising conference in Redmond later this week.他提到了本星期晚些时候即将在雷德蒙(Redmond)的年度广告会议上宣布一个“重大新举措”,他许诺会“主动革新并刷新搜索行业格局”。