




1.进入太空 12. 做饭 make cooking 15. 进入太空 into the space 把某人叫醒 wake sb. up ...


1."I'll go. " Megan offered. She closed her eyes and leaped into the air. Then she disappeared into the space pke quicksand.“我要下去。”梅金说。她闭上眼,一跃而下,然后像流沙一样消失了。

2.He pulled up next to a Honda, pressed the button, and, boom, the car began to cut the front wheels and ease itself into the space.他把车停在一辆本田旁边,然后按下按钮,车子发出隆隆声,前轮开始转动,然后轻松地停进了车位。

3.Chinese astronauts out of the spacecraft into the space, the first step in the door, marking China's space industry has a new beginning.中国航天员走出飞船舱门迈进太空的第一步,标志着中国航天事业的又一个全新的开始。

4.When looking at the floor plan of the exhibition, it seems as if it extends into the space and prolongs its organic shape.当在展览平面图看,好像它延伸到空间,延长其有机的形状。

5.We are 50 years into the space age, and yet space travel is just as expensive as it always was.我们进入太空时代已经有五十年了,但太空旅行仍然昂贵,因为它永远都是这样。

6.Rescuers bored a third hole into a chamber, but weren't able to lower a microphone into the space.救援人员在一个洞穴钻了第三个洞,但却不能把麦克风放低到空地里。

7.Summoning courage, the elderly lady opened the door spghtly, and he stepped sideways to speak into the space.老迈的斯特拉鼓足勇气,稍微开了点门,那人挪往旁边,从门缝里对她说话。

8.As the pro-Mubarak forces pressed into the space, the protesters formed a human chain to try to keep them out of the area.由于亲穆巴拉克部队进入空间按下时,示威者组成人链,以尽量保持该地区出来。

9.Rescuers bored a third hole into a chamber but were not able to low a microphone into the space.救援人员在封闭的通道上钻出第三个洞口,但是无法置入麦克风。

10.gravel, then dumped some gravel in and shook the jar causing pieces of gravel to work themselves down into the space between the big rocks.他伸手到桌下提出一桶碎石,将碎石倒进瓶子里,摇晃瓶子让碎石漏进石块的间隙里去。