






3.构造函数X509Chain 构造函数 (IntPtr) © 2013 Microsoft 保留所有权利 商标 隐私和 Cookie X509Chain 构造函数 (Boolean) 本文是否对 …


1.PtrToStructure is often necessary in COM interop and platform invoke when structure parameters are represented as an System. IntPtr value.当结构参数表示为System.IntPtr值时,PtrToStructure在COMInterop和平台调用中通常是必要的。

2.Converts the numeric value of the current IntPtr object to its equivalent string representation.将当前IntPtr对象的数值转换为其等效的字符串表示形式。

3.Another optional type is the new intptr_t type, which is an integer large enough to hold a pointer.另一个可选的类型是新的intptr_t类型,它是一个足够大的可以容纳一个指针的整数。

4.GetComInterfaceForObject is useful when calpng a method that exposes a COM object parameter as an IntPtr type, or with custom marshapng.当调用一个将COM对象参数作为IntPtr类型公开的方法时,或者对于自定义封送处理,GetComInterfaceForObject很有用。

5.This method uses the System. IntPtr class to represent an unmanaged function pointer.此方法使用System.IntPtr类表示非托管函数指针。

6.The HandleRef constructor takes two parameters: an Object representing the wrapper, and an IntPtr representing the unmanaged handle.HandleRef构造函数采用两个参数:Object表示包装,IntPtr表示非托管句柄。

7.On a 32-bit platform, value is too large or too small to represent as an IntPtr.在32位的平台上,value太大或太小,无法表示为IntPtr。

8.A call to the EnumWindows method passes the delegate and the managed object, casting the handle to an IntPtr.对EnumWindows方法的调用传递该委托和托管对象,并将句柄强制转换为IntPtr。

9.Before the. NET Framework version 2. 0, all operating system handles could be encapsulated only in the IntPtr managed wrapper object.在.NETFramework2.0版之前,所有操作系统句柄都可以仅在IntPtr托管包装对象中封装。

10.This constructs a new instance of the delegate type using the constructor MyDelegate(object, IntPtr).通过使用MyDelegate(object,IntPtr)构造器,就构建了一个委托类型的新实例。