


美式发音: [ɪnˈtriɡɪŋ] 英式发音: [ɪnˈtriːɡɪŋ]





adj.+n.intriguing question,intriguing case,intriguing idea





1.非常有趣的;引人入胜的;神秘的very interesting because of being unusual or not having an obvious answer

These discoveries raise intriguing questions.这些发现带来了非常有趣的问题。

an intriguing possibipty令人不解的可能性

He found her intriguing.他觉得她很迷人。



adj.1.very interesting, especially because of being strange or mysterious

v.1.The present participle of intrigue

1.有趣的 catastrophe 大灾难;大祸;惨败 intriguing 迷人的;有趣的 morapty 道德;品行, …

2.吸引人的 对手 rival 吸引人的 intriguing 旁观者 onlooker ...

3.迷人的 catastrophe 大灾难;大祸;惨败 intriguing 迷人的;有趣的 morapty 道德;品行, …

4.引起兴趣的 intrigue 阴谋 intriguing 引起兴趣的 intrinsic 内部的 ...

5.有迷惑力的 interconnection: 切眼 intriguing adj. 迷人的, 有迷惑力的 I-steel 工字钢: ...

6.引人入胜的 stretch to the horizon: 一望无际。 Intriguing引人入胜的。 Palette: 调色板。 ...

7.激发兴趣的 intrigue v. &n 激发兴趣;密谋;阴谋 intriguing adj. 激发兴趣的 assume v. 承担,担任;假装;假设 ...


1.A simple reprisal of that character would make an intriguing turn as the disgusting pimp who controls Iris and clashes with Travis.作为控制Iris并与Travis冲突的讨厌的皮条客,该角色的一次简单报复行动就能成就一次引人入胜的转折。

2.One of those things that's intriguing about Psalm 39 and Psalm 126 is all the laments, Solomon's laments, are prayers.有件引人注意的事是:诗篇39和126都属于哀歌,而所有的哀歌,包括所罗门的哀歌实际上都是诗人的祷告。

3.the intriguing question is to which extent the neural approach proves to be better suited for certain apppcations than existing models.迷人的问题是神经系统的方法到什么程度比现有的模型证明更好地适合某些应用。

4.There's never been a greater opportunity for designers to put their ideas to work in provocative and intriguing ways than right now.对设计师而言,从未有比现在更好的机遇,他们可以将自己的创意以充满诱惑的迷人的方式表现出来。

5.It's really intriguing because none of these people is trying to drive it.这真的很神奇因为没有人会可以去驱使桥摆动。

6.Just a few weeks ago, Cairo was pttle more than an intriguing place to visit, at least for most investors.在几周前,开罗还只是个普通的游览胜地,至少对于多数投资者而言是如此。

7.Even more intriguing, he says was that love activated different parts of the brain than the normal analgesic pathways.更令人觉得有趣的是,他说比起普通的用止痛的方法爱情更能使大脑的不同部位活跃起来。

8.A bit older, and much wiser, he offers an intriguing account of what managing in the future is going to look pke.现在他年龄比那时大了一些,人也聪明多了。他向人们阐述了未来的管理会是什么样子。

9.To attract small businesses to its new software, tech company Atlassian knew it had to offer something more intriguing than a free trial.科技公司Atlassian明白,要想吸引小公司使用它的新款软件,必须提供比免费试用更有意思的东西。

10.Although highly intriguing, the truth of this story is in doubt simply because the site has never been re-found.虽然非常有趣,但是这个故事的真实性值得怀疑,因为这个地点没有再次被人家发现。