




1.上个学期 The new semester 新学期 Last semester 上学期 Next semester 下学期 ...


1.However, it was that same entrepreneurial fearlessness that Abraham used to launch his trading career that last semester at Notre Dame.正是这种企业家的无畏精神让亚伯拉罕在圣母大学最后一个学期开始了交易生涯。

2.Last semester I signed up to take calculus, but I dropped out of class after two weeks -- that kind of math is just too far over my head.上学期我报名参加微积分那个班。但是,上了两个礼拜课以后我就退出了。那种数学对我来说实在是太难懂了。

3.I might have taken French last semester if I'd known it was offered.如果知道了上个学期开设了法语课的话我会选学的。

4.But I couldn't get out of the requirement, and so I found myself in my last semester before graduation with Speech as one of my classes.但我无法摆脱课程的要求,所以在毕业前的最后一学期,我发现我成为班里的演讲者之一。

5.Last semester I failed in the Engpsh test, my Engpsh teacher took the trouble to help me with my study.上个学期我的英语考试不及格,我的英语老师不嫌麻烦来帮助我的学业。

6.Albert was one of my students last semester.他是我上学期课程的一名学生。

7.Jack failed his exams last semester, from then on, he was not allowed to play computer games by his parents.杰克上学期考试不及格,从那时起他的父母就不再让他玩电脑游戏了。

8.North Korea beat him last semester a fellow brother milk Korea, the squad leader was angry, someone to beat him on.上学期朝鲜打他一奶同胞的弟弟韩国,班长很气愤,就找人打他。

9.Jack didn't pass the exam last semester, from then on playing onpne games is not permitted by his parent any more.杰克上学期考试不及格,从那时起他父母就不让他玩电脑游戏了。

10.I sent Professor Smith a present, for he pulled me through last semester. It cost me $40. Besides, I ate out with Tony.我送给史密斯教授一件礼物,因为整个上个学期的他帮我通过了考试。礼物花了40美元。另外,我跟托尼出去吃饭了。