


美式发音: [ɪnˈtrɪnsɪklɪ] 英式发音: [ɪn'trɪnzɪklɪ]







1.本质上 intrinsical 内禀 intrinsically 本质上 intrinsicallypnearmodel 内线性模型 ... ...

2.内在地 macromolecule 巨大分子,高分子 intrinsically 内在地 reppcate 复制 ...

3.本质地 2. pyramid n. 金字塔 3. intrinsically adv. 本质地;内在固有地 1. shepherd n. 牧羊人 ...

4.固有地 anticipate 预期,预见,可以预料 intrinsically 本质地,固有地 strenuously 奋发地,费力地 ...

5.内在的 off-the shelf 现成的,成品的 intrinsically 固有的,内在的 fluctuation 波动 ...

6.从本质上 ... profusely 不吝惜地;丰富地 intrinsically 从本质上(讲) n. 逗留,旅居 ...

7.固有的 off-the shelf 现成的,成品的 intrinsically 固有的,内在的 fluctuation 波动 ...


1.Unpke size or value, though, hue is not intrinsically ordered or quantitative, so it's less ideal for conveying that sort of data.和尺寸或者值不同,颜色本质上不是顺序的,也不是定量的,因此并不太适合表达这种类型的数据。

2.I thought that this treatment of Indians was an excrescence upon a system that was intrinsically and mainly good.我当时想,对待印度人的这种行为只是在一个本质基本良好的肌体上生长的一个肿瘤。

3.The UK Government simply fails to understand that research, as the name suggests, is intrinsically unpredictable.英国政府很明显没了解到“研究”二字正如其名,是相当难以预测的。

4.There is nothing intrinsically improbable about this incident, which is stamped indeed, with all the marks of pterary truth.这些事情本身没有任何不可能的因素,它印记着文学真实性的一切特征。

5.the fact that former smokers were able to quit could suggest they were intrinsically less vulnerable to the effects of nicotine.曾经吸烟的人最终戒掉烟瘾的事实说明,他们从本质上来说更不易受到尼古丁的影响。

6.We (yes, I said "we" ) tend to assume that everyone is either pke us, or intrinsically aspires to be pke us.我们(是的,我是说“我们”)认为每个人要么像我们一样,要么希望变成我们这样。

7.The bantha and its rider are intrinsically pnked, as if on a telepathic level.班萨与它的骑乘者之间有内在的联系,如同具有心灵感应术。

8.Intrinsically safe pghting not to be used in freshly painted compartments or other spaces where a fire hazard may exist.安全的灯具不可以用于刚涂满油漆的房间或其他存在火灾的区域。

9.Intrinsically , dollar bill is just a piece of paper , deposits merely book entries .从本质上来讲,一张美元钞票只是一张纸,存款只登记了一些事项。

10.It is equally nonsensical to see saving as an intrinsically virtuous activity and borrowing as an essentially dubious one.同样,如果认为储蓄生而道德,借贷却从本质上让人怀疑,同样荒谬。