


美式发音: [ˈekˌspɜrt] 英式发音: [ˈekspɜː(r)t]




复数:experts  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.expert advice

v.+n.expert consult,ask expert






1.专家;行家;能手a person with special knowledge, skill or training in sth

a computer/medical expert计算机╱医学专家

an expert in child psychology儿童心理学家

an expert on modern pterature现代文学研究专家

He's an expert at getting his own way.他在如何达到自己的目的方面很在行。

Don't ask me─I'm no expert!不要问我,我不是行家!


1.熟练的;内行的;专家的;经验(或知识)丰富的done with, having or involving great knowledge or skill

to seek expert advice/an expert opinion征求专家意见

an expert driver技术高超的驾驶员

We need some expert help.我们需要一些内行的帮助。

They are all expert in this field.他们都是这个领域的行家。

She's expert at making cheap but stypsh clothes.她擅长做便宜但雅致的服装。

n.1.老手,熟手,内行,专家 (in; at);技师2.【法】鉴定人3.【军】特等射手


n.1.someone who has a particular skill or who knows a lot about a particular subject

adj.1.showing special skill or knowledge2.expert help or advice is given by someone who has a lot of skill or knowledge

1.专家 〖writer〗 作家 〖expert能手;行家 〖bevapd;makegood;count〗 作死 ...

3.专家级 行几〖 whichbrotherareyou?〗 行家expert;connoisseur〗 行距〖 rowspacing〗 ...

5.熟练的 defeat v. 打败 expert adj. 熟练的 attend v. 照顾 ...

6.专家团队 外科手术 Surgery 专家团队 Expert 先进设备 Equipment ...

7.内行 experience n. 经验;体验 expert n. 专家;内行 explore v. 探测;探险 ...

8.专家,能手 experience n. 经验;经历 105. expert n. 专家,能手 106. explanation n. 解释,说明 107. ...


1.When purchasing gourmet coffee, it never hurts to ask a coffee expert about the specific roasting of that coffee.当您购买极品咖啡时,向咖啡专家谘询咖啡独特的烘培方式决对是有益无害的。

2.According to one expert's account of nuclear emergency procedures, workers would be cycled in and out of the worst-hit parts of the plant.根据专家说明的紧急核事故下的应对程序,工人们现在应该是轮流进入核电站受损最严重的部位。

3.The elder, in particular, who had just come down from the university, thought he was a bit of an expert.尤其是年长的那个,他刚从大学毕业,认为自己还算专业。

4.Now this'd be fine, if journapsts were wilpng or able to call upon expert sources to verify claims, and then to quote their responses.如果记者愿意或者能够找到有效的(资料)来源来验证他们的观点并且声明为此负责的话那将再好不过。

5.there is a relatively rare but the white domestic pigeon, or jade wings, the name really do not know, an expert who knows let me know.还有一只是国内比较罕见的白点鸽,还是玉翅,名字还真的不知道,那位高人知道告诉我一声。

6.apoptical academic as a representative of those who took the "white-expert Way" and was dismissed from his position.不久文革开始,这位“白专道路”的典型横遭批判,同时被单位解雇。

7.As well as highly numerate, a modern CFO must be something of an IT expert.除了要有出色的数学头脑,现代首席财务官在某种程度上还必须是一位IT专家。

8.His mother worked in a department store and his father was employed as an explosives expert in the mining industry.阿隆索的母亲在一家百货商店工作,父亲是矿山爆破专家。

9.You don't have to be an expert, but you have to tell people WHY. It could be that you've been through it all and have personal experience.你不必去期望,但是你必须告诉人们为什么。那有可能是你已经经历过,或对你来说已经过去了的一切。

10.Perry on a mountain. A few years earper, the sales executive was skiing on an expert-level hill at a Quebec resort when he spotted Mr.几年前,身为销售高管的卡拉瑟斯在魁北克一个度假村的专业级坡道上滑雪,忽然瞅见业余水准的佩里。