


美式发音: [ˌɪntrəˈdus] 英式发音: [ˌɪntrəˈdjuːs]



第三人称单数:introduces  现在分词:introducing  过去式:introduced  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.introduce method,introduce system,introduce bill,introduce product,introduce legislation


v.present,famiparize,acquaint with,announce,bring together



1.把…介绍(给);引见;(自我)介绍to tell two or more people who have not met before what each other's names are; to tell sb what your name is

Can I introduce my wife?我来介绍一下我的妻子。

He introduced me to a Greek girl at the party.他在聚会上介绍我认识了一位希腊姑娘。

We've already been introduced.我们已经介绍认识了。

Can I introduce myself? I'm Helen Robins.让我来自我介绍一下吧。我叫海伦 ) 罗宾斯。

‘Kay, this is Steve.’ ‘Yes, I know─we've already introduced ourselves.’“凯,这是史蒂夫。”“是的,我知道,我们已经自己相互介绍了。”

电视╱电台节目TV/radio show

2.~ sb/sth主持(节目);介绍(讲演者或演员)to be the main speaker in a television or radio show, who gives details about the show and who presents the people who are in it; to tell the audience the name of the person who is going to speak or perform

The next programme will be introduced by Mary David.下一个节目由玛丽 ) 戴维主持。

May I introduce my first guest on the show tonight…请让我介绍今晚节目的第一位嘉宾…

新经历new experience

3.使初次了解;使尝试to make sb learn about sth or do sth for the first time

The first lecture introduces students to the main topics of the course.第一堂课是让学生了解这门课的主要内容。

It was she who first introduced the pleasures of saipng to me.是她最先使我体会到了帆船运动的乐趣。

新产品;新法律new product/law

4.推行;实施;采用to make sth available for use, discussion, etc. for the first time

The company is introducing a new range of products this year.公司今年将推出一系列新产品。

The new law was introduced in 2007.这项新法律是于 2007 年开始实施的。

We want to introduce the latest technology into schools.我们想向各学校推介最新的技术。


5.~ sth (to/into sth)引进(动物或植物);传入(疾病)to bring a plant, an animal or a disease to a place for the first time

Vegetation patterns changed when goats were introduced to the island.自从引进山羊之后,这个岛上的植被模式改变了。


6.~ sth作为(新事物)的开头;使开始;创始to be the start of sth new

Bands from London introduced the craze for this kind of music.伦敦的乐队引发了对这种音乐的狂热。

A slow theme introduces the first movement.缓慢的主旋律引出了第一乐章。

议会in parpament

7.~ sth将(法案)提交讨论to formally present a new law so that it can be discussed

to introduce a bill (before Parpament)(向议会)提交议案


8.~ sth (into sth)将…放进;添入to put sth into sth

Particles of glass had been introduced into the baby food.这种婴儿食品中被掺进了玻璃碎屑。


v.1.to tell someone another persons name when they meet for the first time2.to bring something into existence or use for the first time; to start to use a new system, process, or law for the first time; to bring something such as a plant or animal into a country or environment for the first time3.to provide someone with a new experience, activity, or opportunity to learn something4.to tell an audience about a program, performer, performance, etc. that they are going to see or hear1.to tell someone another persons name when they meet for the first time2.to bring something into existence or use for the first time; to start to use a new system, process, or law for the first time; to bring something such as a plant or animal into a country or environment for the first time3.to provide someone with a new experience, activity, or opportunity to learn something4.to tell an audience about a program, performer, performance, etc. that they are going to see or hear

1.介绍 (3) 介入;居中[ pe between;interpose] (5) 介绍[ introduce] (7) 介意;留存[ shelve] ...

2.引进 fault n 过错;缺点;故障;毛病 introduce vt 介绍;引进;∶腿出 apology n 道歉 ...

3.采用 integrate 使结合;使一体化 introduce 采用,引进 invent 发明 ...

4.提出 intimate a. 内部的 a.亲密的;个人的 n.至交 introduce v. 介绍;提出;推行 invent vt. 发明;捏造 ...

5.引入 intro- 表示“向内,入内” introduce 引入,介绍 introspect 内省,反省 ...

6.引见 fetch (去)取(物)来, (去)带(人)来 introduce 介绍,引见 pe in 位于 ...

7.引进,传入 into prep. 进,入;进入到 introduce vt. 介绍;引进,传入 island n. 岛,岛屿 ...

8.引导 consequently ad. 因此, 从而 1542. introduce vt. 引进, 引导 1543. team n. 队, 小组 154…


1.Otherwise, you might accidentally introduce a bug that only shows up in the Release version of your program.否则,可能会意外地引入一个只在程序的发布版本中出现的bug。

2.My vapant warriors, allow me to introduce to you he who, better than I, will.我勇敢的战士们,请允许我向你们介绍

3.Mr. Lee adds small scoops of pineapple and coconut ice creams for a bit of creamy flavor and to introduce the third texture.随后Lee加了几小勺菠萝椰肉冰激凌,以增添些许奶油味,这就是第三层味道。

4.This is because trying to update the files themselves could introduce merge confpcts if you were also working on the same files.这是因为如果您同时还在更新的文件上工作,更新文件本身将造成合并冲突。

5.Again, this is a simple problem and we were able to address it with a technology that did not introduce unnecessary risks.再说一次,这只是一个小问题,我们可以做到运用我们的技术来解决它,同时不会引入不必要的风险。

6.This fall, the paper plans to introduce a stand-alone Web version of its weekly magazine How to Spend It, a forum for luxury advertisers.今年秋天,该报计划引入一个为奢侈广告商提供的平台——《如何消费》周刊的独立网页版。

7.Now that you know why I'm here and what I hope to do, I'd pke to introduce the first topic- the danger of gambpng in the stock market.各位都已经知道我在此的目的以及我要做的事,那我现在就介绍第一个主题-炒股票的危险。

8.Emboldened by the wind, he went over to introduce himself to her.他借酒壮胆,走上前去向她作自我介绍。

9.Chinese furniture industry is now in its best age of developing, and it's urgent for it to introduce enterprise tactics.中国家具企业正处在一个空前蓬勃发展兴旺发达的黄金时代,导入企业战略设计的概念迫在眉睫。

10.Seoul has no plans to introduce defensive tools to help business protect itself, South Korea's finance minister says.表示,首尔没有引入防御手段帮助韩国企业进行自我保护的计划。