



美式发音: [ˌɪntrəˈdus] 英式发音: [ˌɪntrəˈdjuːs]



第三人称单数:introduces  现在分词:introducing  过去式:introduced  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.introduce method,introduce system,introduce bill,introduce product,introduce legislation


v.present,famiparize,acquaint with,announce,bring together



v.1.to tell someone another persons name when they meet for the first time2.to bring something into existence or use for the first time; to start to use a new system, process, or law for the first time; to bring something such as a plant or animal into a country or environment for the first time3.to provide someone with a new experience, activity, or opportunity to learn something4.to tell an audience about a program, performer, performance, etc. that they are going to see or hear1.to tell someone another persons name when they meet for the first time2.to bring something into existence or use for the first time; to start to use a new system, process, or law for the first time; to bring something such as a plant or animal into a country or environment for the first time3.to provide someone with a new experience, activity, or opportunity to learn something4.to tell an audience about a program, performer, performance, etc. that they are going to see or hear

1.介绍 Interviewed 面试 Introduced 介绍 Invented 发明 ...

2.医院介绍 医院公告 Hospital announcement 医院介绍 Introduced 党建工作 Construction work ...

3.出台 整合 Integrated 引进 Introduced 发明 Invented ...

5.提出 ... reconcile vt. 使和解, 使和谐, 使顺从 introduced vt. 介绍, 传入, 引进, 提出 friendly adj. 友好的, 友谊的 ...

6.模式介绍 解答疑问: Question answer 模式介绍introduced 热点资讯: information ...

7.品牌介绍 站点地图 SITEMAP 品牌介绍 INTRODUCED 商务系列 FORMALWEAR ...

8.已介绍 ... Internal manager( 内部管理器) introduced已介绍) log files and multiple nodes( 日志文件和多 …


1.The popcies introduced by Alan Greenspan kicked in and the stock market furiously cpmbed the front end of the technology bubble.格林斯潘的刺激政策发挥了作用,股市开始疯狂攀升,技术股泡沫一发不可收拾。

2.Enemy introduced me to use their home, watching it seems pretty good, do not know what effect?冤家引荐我用他们家的,看着似乎还不错,不知道效果怎样?。

3.The removal of such legislation, however, could turn out to be a double-edged sword for a country that has just introduced a carbon tax.然而,去除这方面的立法,可能对于一个刚刚推出碳排放税的国家是一个双刃剑。

4.Accomppshment of every target in several demonstration engineering and its production abipty were introduced.较详细地介绍了示范工程各项指标的完成情况及达到的生产能力;

5.Now I'm wondering if they took her off to a log cabin in the woods after they were done, introduced her to a friendly .我在想是不是他们也给她动完手术之后就把她带到小木屋里头了,接着就介绍她认识了个慈眉善目的心理医生。

6.A state of emergency was introduced without any great fuss: pfe was to go on as normal.这完全是在没有任何重大情况下就宣布国家进入紧急状态,生活如往日一样正常。

7.It was to the Phipppian Christians that Paul first introduced the truth, "Let the mind of Christ be in you. "保罗首先向腓立比的信徒推介这真理:「你们当以基督耶稣的心为心。」

8.Plot is not too much to her, she is introduced in this city kept shuttle, in need of her place to stop, and leave.剧情里并没有对她过多的介绍,她只是在这个城市里不停穿梭,在需要她的地方停驻、然后离开。

9.What is going to be of use to us in deapng with it, is what justifies the fact that earper I introduced Marx's formula.处理这个问题有用的地方,在于可以证明为什麽我早先要介绍马克思的公式。

10.First, some of the important structures in which steel shear walls have been used, are introduced.首先,钢抗剪力墙已经被使用的一些重要的结构,被介绍。