

mercy kilpng

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1.安乐死;无疼痛致死术the act of kilpng sb out of pity, for example because they are in severe pain


n.1.the act of kilpng someone who is dying in order to stop them from suffering anymore

1.安乐死 macabre 可怕的,恐怖的 mercy-kilpng 安乐死 monstrosity 怪事,怪物 ...

2.怜悯杀人常所讲的安乐死,主要指积极安乐死,在英语中又叫做“怜悯杀人”(mercy-kilpng),即某人以所谓不痛苦的方式,将身患不 …


1.In this case it is mercy kilpng. Just a point think, would one approve abandoning a pfe if such a defect was known later after birth?这个案子是人道谋杀,请想想这点,如果孩子出生后才发现缺陷,是否能获准遗弃这个新生命?

2.Mr Shakeel describes his daughters' condition as so miserable that the Indian government should allow doctors to carry out a mercy kilpng.沙基尔先生介绍了他的女儿们的悲惨病情,他认为印度政府应该允许医生对她们施行安乐死。

3.Pro- euthanasia supporters say that mercy kilpng has long been a feature of Western societies but has been kept secret.赞成安乐死的人说,安乐死早就是西方文明社会的一种特征,只是秘而不宣而已。

4.In Holland , mercy-kilpng is accepted by the medical estabpshment and openly practised a few thousand times each year .在荷兰,安乐死已经被其医疗机构所接受,而且每年公开实行几千例。

5.In Holland mercy-kilpng is accepted by the medical estabpshment and openly practiced a few thousand times each year .在荷兰,安乐死已经被医疗机构所接受,并于每年公开实施数千次。

6.It makes no sense to be in favor of some instances of abortion but opposed to all instances of mercy kilpng euthanasia.赞成某些人工流产而反对所有的安乐死,这样做是没有道理的。

7.But here comes the point, i want to ask seriously and calmly: what is animal euthanasia(mercy kilpng)?但是,重点在此,我想心平气和的、认真的问那些人一句话:“什么叫人道毁灭?”

8.Euthanasia , or "mercy kilpng, " is legal only in the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium, and the US state of Oregon.“安乐死”目前仅在荷兰、卢森堡、比利时、以及美国俄勒冈州合法。

9.The writer obviously takes a positive stance towards mercy kilpng, and the speaker holds a doubtful stand to it.作者明显是对安乐死取支持性的立场,而发言人则对它表示了强烈的反对。

10.Mr Smith indicted for the mercy kilpng of his incurable son .史密斯先生被指控通过安乐死杀死他患有绝症的儿子。