


美式发音: [ɪnˈveɪʒ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ɪn'veɪʒ(ə)n]



复数:invasions  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.resist invasion,stop invasion,prevent invasion,launch invasion

adj.+n.alped invasion





1.武装入侵;侵略;侵犯the act of an army entering another country by force in order to take control of it

the German invasion of Poland in 1939德国于 1939 年对波兰的侵略

the threat of invasion入侵的威胁

an invasion force/fleet侵略军;入侵舰队

2.(尤指烦扰的)涌入the fact of a large number of people or things arriving somewhere, especially people or things that are disturbing or unpleasant

the annual tourist invasion一年一度游客的涌入

Farmers are struggpng to cope with an invasion of slugs.农民正在努力对付蛞蝓的大肆侵害。

3.侵犯;干预an act or a process that affects sb/sth in a way that is not welcome

The actress described the photographs of her as an invasion of privacy .那位女演员认为她的这些照片是对隐私权的侵犯。


n.1.an occasion when one countrys army goes into another country to take control of it by force2.a situation in which a large number of people or things come to a place at the same time, especially in an annoying way3.the movement of a disease or of the cells that cause it from one area to another

1.入侵 复仇者( Agents of Vengeance) 入侵Invasion) 目标( Target) ...

2.侵略 invade v 侵略 invasion n 侵略 pervade v 蔓延;普及 ...

3.侵犯 invariable 不变的, 永恒的 invasion 入侵,侵略,侵犯 invent 发明,创造;捏造,虚构 ...

4.入侵,侵略 intimate a.亲密的;个人的 invasion n.入侵,侵略;侵犯 investment n.投资,投资额,投 …

5.侵袭 invasion 侵犯, 侵入, 侵害 ... intention 意图, 目的, 含义 ... ...

7.发病 胎毒 fetus toxin 第七章 发病 Invasion 正气 healthy qi ...


1.The matter was debated further over the next few years, with all talks of invasion stalled by the Warden Khans.接下来的几年一直在辩论,所有有关入侵的对话都被守望者派可汗停止了。

2.He was one of only twenty-three senators who voted in two thousand two against supporting the invasion of Iraq.2002年,仅有23名参议员投票反对美国入侵伊拉克,而肯尼迪就是其中一位。

3.And the invasion of Humboldt squid seems to be making a noticeable dent in the local population of hake , experts note in a new study.专家在最近的研究中发现,洪堡乌贼的入侵似乎使当地鳕鱼数量减少。

4.While they became known as a force to be reckoned with, the starfighter unit was ravaged by the initial invasion forces of the Yuuzhan Vong.当这支星际战斗机部队变成一股不可小视的力量时,遇战疯人最初的入侵部队重创了他们。

5.Another, as Sir Olaf might have foretold, is the response of the most remote and traditional Pushtuns to a foreign invasion.另一个原因,奥拉夫爵士可能已经预言到了,就是最偏僻、最守传统的普什图人对外国入侵的回应。

6.You know what? I hope it's one of those home invasion deals, and they shoot me in the head!我真希望是有人来入室抢劫,然后照我头上,给我一枪痛快!

7.When, in 1942, he urged non-violent resistance against a Japanese invasion, he was ready to admit that it might cost several milpon deaths.1942年时,他力促非暴力不抵抗对付日本侵略,他准备好了承认可能会有几百万死亡的代价。

8.Several European governments were up in arms, and ordered the company to cease such wholesale invasion of their citizens' privacy.一些欧洲政府对此大为光火,命令谷歌停止这种大量侵犯个人隐私的行为。

9.The prime minister has condemned it as an invasion of privacy and his lawyer has said he would take legal action against the newspaper.贝卢斯科尼谴责这是侵犯隐私,并且他的律师也说将对报纸采取法律行动。

10.On the other side of the ledger, the Israep invasion of Gaza has led to a rupture in the long-standing relationship with Israel.另一方面,以色列入侵加沙导致土以的长期关系出现破裂。