




1.邀请者 邀请者: inviter 受邀人: invitee ...

2.邀请人 ADDRESS 地点: INVITER 邀请人: TO 致: ...

3.邀请父或母等前来探亲的人询时指出,根据规定,家庭总人数必须将担保人,即发出邀请父或母等前来探亲的人(inviter)、担保人配偶、担保人的未成年 …

4.发出邀请的人 teacher , 老师 inviter 发出邀请的人 excited 激动地 ...


1.Yes. If I do not take one, I will feel embarrassed and the inviter would privately say that I have no idea about "gratitude" .对的。如果没带,我自己会觉得不好意思,邀请者也会私下说我不懂人情。

2.Any other document showing the ongoing or intended business relationship with the inviter.任何显示与邀请方之间持续性或预期中的商务往来的文件。

3.The bid-invitation of prepminary realty management shall be organized and implemented by the bid inviter.前期物业管理招标由招标人依法组织实施。

4.Proof of relationship with the inviter in Canada (e. g. copy of birth certificate, copy of relationship certificate).与加拿大邀请人关系的证明(如出生证复印件、关系证明复印件)。

5.and sending the account from the portable terminal of the inviter to the portable terminal of the invitee.以及将所述帐户从所述邀请者的便携式终端发送到所述被邀请者的便携式终端。

6.Prospective bidders shall promptly acknowledge receipt thereof by fax to the Bid Inviter.预期投标人应尽快以传真的方式告知其已收到有关文件。

7.The UI dialog to accept or reject an invitation from a peer contact also indicates that that the inviter is trusted.用于接受或拒绝对等联系人所发出的邀请的用户界面对话框也会指示可以信任邀请方。

8.Certification letters from inviter's supervisor.邀请人导师的证明信

9.The inviter's passport, Visa, student card of University of Calgary, social insurance card, employment certificate, admission letter.邀请人的护照,签证,学生卡,社保卡,雇佣证明,录取信复印件等一系列材料

10.Along with the performances, there are usually a series of ritual which have special meanings to both play group and inviter.采茶戏班在其表演的过程当中经常伴随着一系列的仪式,这些仪式对于戏班和请戏人都具有特别的意义。