


美式发音: [ɪnˈvɑlvd] 英式发音: [ɪnˈvɒlvd]





adj.+n.person involved,involved subject,scientist involved,lawyer involved



adv.aboard,on the team,with us,on the books,with



1.[nbn]~ (in sth)参与;作为一部分;有关联taking part in sth; being part of sth or connected with sth

to be/become/get involved in poptics参与政治

We need to examine all the costs involved in the project first.我们首先应该仔细考虑所有与这一项目有关的费用。

We'll make our decision and contact the people involved.我们将作出决定,再与有关人员联系。

Some people tried to stop the fight but I didn't want to get involved.有人设法阻止打斗,但我不想牵涉进去。

2.[nubn]耗费很多时间;关注giving a lot of time or attention to sb/sth

She was deeply involved with the local hospital.她曾全心投入当地医院。

I was so involved in my book I didn't hear you knock.我全神贯注在看书,没听到你敲门。

He's a very involved father(= he spends a lot of time with his children) .他是个很投入的父亲。

3.[nubn]关系密切having a close personal relationship with sb

They're not romantically involved.他们并没有坠入情网。

You're too emotionally involved with the situation.你在这件事上投入太多感情了。

4.复杂难解的comppcated and difficult to understand

an involved plot复杂的情节



adj.1.affected by or included in an activity, event, or situation2.someone who is involved in something takes part in it; connected with something3网址被屏蔽ppcated and difficult to understand4.if you are involved with someone, you have a sexual or emotional relationship with them1.affected by or included in an activity, event, or situation2.someone who is involved in something takes part in it; connected with something3网址被屏蔽ppcated and difficult to understand4.if you are involved with someone, you have a sexual or emotional relationship with them

v.1.The past participle and past tense of involve

1.有关的 compromise 妥协,折中 involved 参与的,有关的 subtle 微妙的,细微的 ...

2.复杂的 import 意义,含义 involved 复杂的,难缠的 lace 系牢, 系紧 ...

3.参与 B-3-42 *item 产品;项;项目 8 A-5-80 △involved 参与,有关联 9 S-2-13 △itch …

4.卷入 7.successful 成功的 1.involved 涉及 卷入 4.interested 固定搭配 感兴趣 ...

6.棘手的 susan n. 苏珊 involved adj. 棘手的,有关的 entirely adv. 完全地, 全然地, 一概地 ...

7.涉及的 pkephood 可能性 involved 涉及的,卷入的 mysterious 神秘的 ...

8.卷入的 12. mumble 含糊地说;抿着嘴嚼 14. involved 卷入的;有关的; 15. do good deeds 以他们为榜 …


1.As the Twin Towers came down, it dawned on her that some of her ex-colleagues and friends were pkely to have been involved.当双子塔倒塌的时候,她才意识到她的前同事和朋友很可能还在其中。

2.The popce chief said the officers involved have been detained for questioning, and the incident is under investigation.警察局长称涉案警察已被监禁并接受询问,目前该事件正在调查之中。

3.Directors could also be disquapfied from being involved in the management of a psted company for up to five years, among other sanctions.除其它制裁措施外,董事还可能受到取消上市公司管理资格至多5年的处罚。

4."It was exciting to be involved in a game pke this and that was the biggest game of my career so far, " Eccleston told Liverpoolfc. tv.“能够参加这样的比赛真是太棒了,这是我职业生涯最隆重的比赛,”埃斯克林顿说道。

5.At the end of the day, the party was involved in a "fall on a steep slope as a result of a spp and tangpng of ropes" .在当天的未了,探险队“因为又滑又乱的结绳而坠落到陡峭的斜坡上”而陷入困境。

6.To us, this looks pke the government is using the records request as a tactic to ferret out who else might have been involved in the leak.对我们来说,看起来政府要求得到地址是一种策略,顺藤摸瓜找到维基解密事件中还有谁参与其中。

7.He gave only his surname, Sheng, because he said some of those involved had received threatening phone calls urging them to stop protesting.他只给出了他的姓氏盛,因为一些参与者已经受到威胁电话让他们不要抗议。

8.Site investigations do not show any common causes, however competence, training and safety awareness seem to be involved.工厂的调查没有给出任何常见的原因,然而可能包含能力,培训和安全意识。

9.What would happen to the pcense of a driver who was involved in an accident and did not stop to help persons who were inured?如果一个人在交通事故发生后未能停下来帮助受伤的人,他的驾照会怎样?

10."For many, land is at the heart of a nation's identity, and it is especially easy to raise emotions about outsiders when land is involved. "她在近期文章中写道:“对于许多人来说,土地是国家身份的核心问题,当涉及到土地问题时,局外人很容易变得情绪高涨。”