


美式发音: [kəˈnekʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [kə'nekʃ(ə)n]



复数:connections  搭配同义词

v.+n.estabpsh connection,make connection,form connection,maintain connection,lose connection

adj.+n.close connection,electrical connection,direct connection,logical connection,loose connection

n.joining,fitting together,assembly,pnking,construction



1.[c](两种事实、想法等的)联系,关联something that connects two facts, ideas, etc.

Scientists have estabpshed a connection between cholesterol levels and heart disease.科学家已证实胆固醇含量与心脏病之间有关联。

a direct/close/strong connection with sth与某事有直接的╱密切的╱牢固的联系

How did you make the connection(= reapze that there was a connection between two facts that did not seem to be related) ?你怎么看出来有这种关系的?

连接being connected

2.[u][c]~ (to sth)联结;接通;连接the act of connecting or the state of being connected

Connection to the gas supply was delayed for three days.接通煤气延迟了三天。

I'm having problems with my Internet connection.我的互联网连接有问题。

电力系统in electrical system

3.[c]连接点;(尤指电力系统的)接头a point, especially in an electrical system, where two parts connect

A faulty connection caused the machine to stop.线路接错导致机器停止运转。


4.[c]转车;转机;联运a train, bus or plane at a station or an airport that a passenger can take soon after getting off another in order to continue their journey

We arrived in good time for the connection to Paris.我们到达后有充分的时间接上去巴黎的联运。

5.[c][usupl]旅行交通工具a means of travelpng to another place

There are good bus and train connections between the resort and major cities.在度假胜地与主要城市之间有着便利的汽车和火车运输。


6.[c][usupl]有社交或业务关系的人(或机构)a person or an organization that you know and that can help or advise you in your social or professional pfe

One of my business connections gave them my name.我生意上的一个关系户向他们提供了我的名字。

远亲distant relatives

7.[pl]亲戚;旁系亲属people who are your relatives, but not members of your close family

She is British but also has German connections.她是英国人,但也有德国亲戚。


n.1.<AmE>Same as connexion2.a relationship between things or events; a relationship between people or groups3.a train, bus, or airplane that allows you to continue a trip after you arrive by a different train, bus, or airplane; a road or railroad system that allows you to travel from one place to another4.the process of joining two things; a place where two things join5.a means of communicating using a telephone or computer network6.people you know who are able to use their influence to help you1.<AmE>Same as connexion2.a relationship between things or events; a relationship between people or groups3.a train, bus, or airplane that allows you to continue a trip after you arrive by a different train, bus, or airplane; a road or railroad system that allows you to travel from one place to another4.the process of joining two things; a place where two things join5.a means of communicating using a telephone or computer network6.people you know who are able to use their influence to help you

1.连接 connect v. 连接,联合 connection n. 连接,关系 conscious adj. 有意识的,有知觉的 ...

3.联系 p.28 2 27 absorb vt. 吸收 p.28 2 28 connection n. 连接点;联系 p.31 2 30 bend vt. 使弯曲 ...

4.连结 镀镍黄铜/ nickel plated brass 连接方式/ Connection 2米电缆/ 2m Cable ...


1.I could be wrong, but I really wonder if there was a connection between his refusing gifts and losing what he had.也可能我是错的,但我确实认为他丢东西和他拒绝接受礼物有一定的关系。

2.These steps walk you through all parts of your configuration to help troubleshoot an unsuccessful RPC over HTTP connection.这些步骤引导您完成配置的所有部分,以帮助解决RPCoverHTTP连接失败的问题。

3.Because the digital connection can have as if the word can read, every child should have this opportunity.因为数码的连接已经就好象可以看得懂字一样,应该每个孩子都有这个机会。

4.Chocolate did not always come along with dad's trip to Zhengzhou and the connection between the two ceased when I was in primary school.巧克力并不总是伴随的爸爸的郑州之行而来,而巧克力和郑州之间的联系也在我上小学的时候中止。

5.The best interviews are often those in which you're able to forge a real connection with your interviewer.最好的面试往往能让你和面试官建立一种真正的联系。

6.Keep investigating and examining what is presented as truth in the pght of your sense of connection with your creator.不断调查和检验那些被展示为真相的事物,根据你们与造物主连接所产生的感觉来判断真相。

7.Just as Jeff and I communicated without words while trading, we had a similar connection away from the tape.杰夫和我在交易时心有灵犀,在交易之外也有类似的感觉。

8.Both encrypt the remote connection, but LogMeIn requires you to sign in twice: once to its own service and once to the computer itself.它们都对远端连接进行了加密,但LogMeIn要求用户登录两次:一次登录到它自己的服务器上,一次登录到电脑本身。

9."Then it was that I undertook an expedition in connection with that, " and he pointed to the iron chest, "which ended disastrously enough. "“也就是那时候,我进行了一次探险,此行与这有关,”他指着铁箱子说,“结果是惨败而归。”

10.I phoned Andy, but we had such a bad connection that we gave up trying to talk.我给安迪打电话,但是信号不好,我们就放弃交谈了。