




1.输出操作宣称的技术与传统硬盘相比诸多优点:提高了每秒输入/输出操作(iops)次数、功耗减少和占位面积较小等等,这些优势直接可 …

2.输出操作次数速缓存软件,利用SSDs进行读写缓存,从而提高输入输出操作次数(IOPS)达25倍之多,在读操作密集的应用中,延迟降低25 …

3.输入输出多在存储领域相关的存储系统每秒可以产生多少的输入/输出操作每秒(IOPS)的比较下一代的存储产品中,越来越多的公司使 …



1.Figure 2 shows the IOPS that were measured on both the front end and back end during the same test run.图2显示了在同一个测试过程中在前端和后台所测试到的IOPS值。

2.Figure 4 shows the IOPS that were measured on both the front end and back end during this test run.图4显示在测试的前端和后台所测得的IOPS值。

3.This lack of moving parts dramatically improves the abipty of ESDs to depver a significant amount of IOPS with very low response times.这种不需要移动的方式能显著地提高EFD以非常低响应时间实现大IOP数的能力。

4.If all of your drives are 10, 000 RPM, you will need at least 30 drives to obtain your required IOPS in a RAID-5 configuration.如果所有驱动器都是10,000RPM,则至少需要30个驱动器才能在RAID-5配置中获得必需的IOPS。

5.Patients with sickle cell disease or trait are particularly susceptible to glaucomatous optic nerve damage from even mildly elevated IOPs.对于患有镰状细胞贫血的患者而言,即使是轻微的IOP升高,也很有可能造成青光眼性视神经损伤。

6.As Figure 4 illustrates, this time approximately 4, 000 IOPS were measured on the front end.正如图4所显示的,这一次在前端所测得的IOPS值约为4,000。

7.The actual units on this measurement is IOPS per second, per mailbox.此测量的实际单位为每个邮箱每秒的IOPS。

8.These data are capacity bound rather than IOPS bound and flash is an expensive way to get capacity.这些数据更关乎容量,而不是IOPS,而通过闪存获取容量的代价颇为不菲。

9.When you calculate IOPS per mailbox, use the current number of mailboxes on that server.在计算每个邮箱的IOPS时,应使用该服务器上当前的邮箱数。

10.The type of CPU used, IOPS needed, and throughput desired are the factors that determine exactly how many HDDs are required.使用的CPU类型、所需要的IOPS和预期吞吐量是准确确定所需要的HDD数量的因数。