


美式发音: [ˈplʌmɪt] 英式发音: ['plʌmɪt]




第三人称单数:plummets  现在分词:plummeting  过去式:plummeted  同义词反义词





1.暴跌;速降to fall suddenly and quickly from a high level or position

Share prices plummeted to an all-time low.股票价格暴跌到历史最低点。

Her spirits plummeted at the thought of meeting him again.一想到又要见到他,她的心情便直往下沉。

The jet plummeted into a row of houses.那架喷气式飞机一头栽进一排房子里。



v.1.to fall straight down very quickly from a high position2.if something such as an amount, rate, or value plummets, it suddenly becomes much lower

1.骤然跌落 par value 票面价值 plummet 骤然跌落 popcy 保险单 ...

2.垂直落下 soar( 往上飞舞) plummet垂直落下) foul( 难闻的) ...

3.暴跌 Advancement( 进步) Plummet( 暴跌) Buoy( 激励) ...

4.铅锤 hornswoggle vt. 骗, 瞒 plummet n. 铅锤, 重荷 planeload n. 飞机负载量 ...

5.铅锤线 386 气密舱盖(冷冻舱) plug hatch 388 铅锤线 plummet 392 轻便肋骨压曲器 portable frame squeezer ...

6.坠子 坠腿〖 holdsb.back〗 坠子〖 weight;plummet;pendant〗 涂金香坠子〖 earpendant〗 ...

7.骤降 ppable 弯曲的,可塑的 plummet 骤降,爆跌 point 意义,寓意 ...

8.测锤 plummet level 垂准器 plummet 测锤 plummet 铅锤 ...


1.Average TV-set prices across the board have continued to plummet this hopday season amid lackluster demand.这个假日季,电视需求毫无起色,整体均价继续下跌。

2.Once [while flying out of] the Miami airport, there was some electrical problem that caused our plane to plummet thousands of feet.有一次我(坐飞机)离开迈阿密机场,因为电力故障导致飞机跌落了几千英尺。

3.Girls brave enough to stand at the top of a tower (ramp), mount a galloping horse, and plummet fifty feet into a pool of water.女孩勇敢地站在塔顶部(坡道),装入一个奔马,暴跌到五十英尺的水池。

4.Captain Nemo continued to plummet into the dark depths of this forest, whose shrubbery grew ever more sparse.尼摩船长继续走人森林中最幽深的地方,沿途树木渐渐稀少。

5.How much further can the dollar plummet?美元还可以跌多少?

6.Seeing the sun plummet through the sky and the world plunge into darkness, Kratos knew this was not a sign from the Gods.看着太阳从空中骤然坠落,以及世界顿时陷入一片黑暗,奎托斯意识到,这并不是众神发出的指引。

7.The blockage of the sun for an extended period would have caused global temperatures to plummet and photosynthesis to all but ceases.阳光的长期遮挡将引起全球的气温剧降,而且光合作用将完全停止。

8.In the depth of the crisis, as trade for a while seized up, the region, as one of the most trade-dependent in the world, saw growth plummet.世界深陷金融危机时,随着贸易的短暂中止,这个世界上最依赖于贸易的地区之一的经济增长便出现了大幅下降。

9.The Shanghai government, which seems confident it has contained the market for the moment, now must ensure prices do not plummet.上海市政府看来对眼下平抑房价信心十足,但现在还必须确保房价不会暴跌。

10.Like Obama, Sarkozy arrived with broad support; but he began to plummet just months into his presidency.如同奥巴马一样,萨科齐最初享有广泛的支持率,但在其总统任期的几个月内迅速下跌。