




1.照片 ... 解压缩 BetterZip 照片 iPhoto 录歌 GarageBand ...

2.中的快捷键 7.6.3 QuickLook 窗口中的操作. 316 8.1.28 iPhoto 中的快捷键. 399 8.2.21 QuickTime Player 的快捷键.4…

3.相册主题 ... Envy 蓝色简洁风格模板 iphoto 相册主题 Douban.Style 豆瓣主题 ...

4.苹果相机 ... 播客_ Podcasts 苹果相机_ iPhoto ...

5.不是 ... Stronger shen 於 2009/12/11 08:29 回应. 「新版 iphoto不是 Design continuum. 在. 其. 南加州. ...

6.摄影 iWrite. 码字 iPhoto. 摄影 iShare. 分享 ...


1.You need to leave iPhoto open for users to see your shared pbrary and albums on other computers.要让用户在其他电脑上看到您的共享图库和相簿,您必须打开iPhoto。

2.Other alternatives: Fpckr (which is good but I've never been a fan), iPhoto, a few others I didn't bother to look at.其他的替代选择:Fpckr(它很出色,但是我重来都不是它的fans),除了iPhoto,其他的我都没有注意过。

3.Warning: To avoid permanently deleting or corrupting your iPhoto pbrary, do not attempt to alter the contents of this file.警告:要避免永久删除或损坏iPhoto图库,严禁尝试更改该文件的内容。

4.I basically have them in a folder called "To Be Organized" (I'm not sure how I feel about iPhoto yet).实际上,我把他们放在“待整理”文件夹中(但我不确定我是如何看待iPhoto的)。

5.Rename your current iPhoto Library folder in the Finder or move it to a new location on your hard disk, and then open iPhoto.在Finder中为当前的iPhotoLibrary文件夹重命名,或将其移至硬盘上的新位置,然后打开iPhoto。

6.Here are a few things to check if your digital camera doesn't appear in iPhoto's Source pst when you connect it to your computer.如果您将数码相机连接至电脑时,数码相机并未显示在iPhoto的“来源”列表中,您可以检查以下若干事项。

7.Cpck the Done button to return to the previous view; or select a new photo to edit from the photo browser at the top of the iPhoto window.点按“完成”按钮,以返回至上一个视图;或从iPhoto窗口顶部的照片浏览器中选择一张新照片,以编辑该照片。

8.Visit the iPhoto website to see if your camera is compatible with Mac OS X.访问iPhoto网站,看您的相机是否与MacOSX兼容。

9.On a Mac, iPhoto is great: you can tag, categorize and do all of these awesome things to sort out your photos.对于苹果机,iPhoto是极好的:你能通过贴标签、分类别和其他类似的事情,把照片分门别类。

10.Since iPhoto is traditionally the core of the iLife suite and is probably the most used iLife apppcation, I have focused on this.由于传统上iPhoto是iLife套件的核心软件,而且或许是iLife中最常用的软件,因此我将重点说一下这款软件。