




1.我宣誓 ... value in pledge 抵押品价值; 保证有效; I pledge 我发誓; take the pledge 发誓戒酒; ...

3.不定期更新***这儿是我post 文的地方,将不定期更新(i pledge) m_._m


1.Keith took the ring and as he sppped it on my finger, he said: "With this ring I pledge to you my deepest love and devotion. "基斯拿起戒指戴到我的手指上,他说:“我以这枚戒指起誓我向你保证我对你最真挚的爱和和无限忠诚。”

2.And I pledge on behalf of the International Olympic Committee that we shall preserve and perpetuate his legacy and his heritage.我谨代表国际奥林匹克委员会承诺,我们会继续保持和发扬萨马兰奇先生的遗志。

3.And I pledge to him tonight to do all in my power to help him lead us through the many challenges we face.而我今晚向他保证,我会尽我一切的力量来帮助他领导我们度过我们面前的挑战。

4.In the closure of my speech, I pledge everyone of you to hold the glass in your hand.在我结束讲话之际,我请各位和我一起举杯。

5.But in retrospect, I wish I had taken a stand at some of the things I decided to tolerate. Here are 6 things I pledge not to accept anymore.在我反思自己从业经历的时候,我是多么的希望自己以前能对一些事情表明态度,而不仅仅是向客户妥协啊!以下是我发誓不再妥协的六件事情。

6.But a lot of the growth boils down to opportunity so I pledge allegiance to my flag in the spirit of opportunity and my country.但很多增长归结为机会所以我对着这面国旗宣誓忠于我的国家。

7.And I pledge that my Administration will also do its part to help more Americans serve their communities.我也立誓表明我的政府官员将尽力帮助更多的美国人参与社区服务。

8.As a member of the judiciary who desires to improve relations among counsel and between the Bench and The Bar, I pledge as follows.作为法官队伍中的一名希望改善律师之间的关系以及法官与律师之间的关系的成员,本文作出如下保证

9.I pledge to you that government will do its part to open up more opportunities for citizens to participate.我向你们保证,政府一定会为国民提供更多参与服务的机会。

10.I pledge to you tonight that as long as I have a breath of pfe in my body, I shall continue in that spirit.今天晚上,我向大家保证,只要我还有一口气,我将会继续鼓励它。