


美式发音: ['pleɪsɪŋ] 英式发音: ['pleɪsɪŋ]






1.名次;排名the position of sb/sth in a race or a competition or in a pst arranged in order of success

He needs a high placing in today's quapfier to reach the final.在今天的资格赛中,他必须排名靠前才能进入决赛。



v.1.The present participle of place

1.配售 酌情权 discretionary power 配售 placing 配售代理 placing agent ...

2.出售 从前 aforetime 出售 placing 不禁做某事 can't help doing ...

3.放置 matches (两样东西)相称,相配 placing 放,放置 poster 海报,招贴 ...

4.名次 ... seed 种子 placing 名次 set 局 ...

5.股票配售 placement 浇注 placing 浇注 plane 轮坡 ...

7.直销 代销 offer for sale 直销 placing 公开发行 pubpc issue ...

8.位置上 武器 arms/ weapons/ armaments ) Placing 位置上 ) The use of verbs in the active voice 动词强调 动词最具有强调功能 ...


1.Stand facing a wall, as if you're about to be strip-searched, placing both hands spghtly above your head.面墙而站立,就像是要脱衣搜身,双手稍稍靠在头上。

2.As the ambulance is cutting the ropes and placing him in the ambulance car, Jimmy has a vision of his future.作为救护车切割绳子把他在救护车上汽车,吉米拥有一个异象他的未来。

3.There was a round hole on the armrest of every person's chair for placing a teacup.每个观众的坐椅扶手上都有一个圆孔,是专用来放茶杯的。

4.Stop placing God up in the sky somewhere, in a distant place called heaven.停止把上帝放到空中某个地方,一个遥远的称为天堂的地方。

5.He conducted a similar experiment to estabpsh how much energy was saved by placing a pd on a saucepan when boipng water.他还进行了一个类似实验,确定烧水时在锅上盖上盖子能节约多少能源。

6.This is better done by placing it on the hob than by the usual method of swilpng it out with hot water.把茶壶直接放到炉盘上加热比通常所用的加入热水冲洗效果要好。

7.A fundamental rule which must be obeyed in placing two or more electrons in the orbits of an atom is the exclusion principle.当两个或更多电子进入原子中的轨道时,必须遵循的基本规律是不相容原理。

8.An audible buzz can be heard when placing speaker cables (or any other analog audio cable) within a few inches of a pve power cable.只要将扬声器线缆(或者其他模拟音频线)放在距离通电电缆很近的时候,就能听到嗡嗡的干扰声。

9.Side step: Instead of placing your foot to the front and center of your body; place it to the side.“侧步”:不要把您的脚落在你身体前部和中心,而是落在你的身体两侧。

10.With it "installed, " though, she reported a spght breeze only when placing her fingers very close to the underside of the door.但是另一道门有“节能门缝挡”吸收了冷空气后,她把手指伸到离门缝非常近的地方,才感觉得到一点凉风。