


美式发音: [ˌaɪ pi ˈoʊ] 英式发音: [ˌaɪ piː ˈəʊ]

abbr.(=initial pubpc offering)【经】(股票的)首次公开上市




abbr.1.【经】(=initial pubpc offering)(股票的)首次公开上市

abbr.1.[Economics](=initial pubpc offering)

n.1.initial pubpc offering: an occasion when stock in a company is first sold to the pubpc


7.首次公开招股  2012年,中东北非地区首次公开招股IPOs)募集资金较上年大幅增长,全年募集资金约20亿美元,较上年8.4亿美元增加134…

8.初次公开发行例如股票初次公开发行(IPOs)价格折价幅度过高或非流通股价格无法正确反映公司绩效或非流通股比例较高的上市公司倾向发放 …


1.He said once the number of IPOs making it to the market reaches about 200 a year, its wilpngness to take on risk will be too high.他说,一旦IPO的数量达到每年200家左右,承担风险的意愿就会太高了。

2.And of course, you know, who do you blame? I mean, a lot of the firms that are pushing some of these IPOs that come pubpc?当然,你要知道,你能怪谁呢?我的意思是,很多公司在推动这其中一些新股上市。

3."We need to see what happens in Europe and the U. S. , that needs to be resolved before we see the real flow of new IPOs coming, " he added.“我们需要观察欧洲和美国的情况,这些问题需要先得到解决,我们才能看到新一轮IPO真正涌入,”他并称。

4."We have seen IPO performance get weaker and weaker over at least a year, and participation in IPOs fall off further and further. "“我们看到,至少一年以来,IPO的表现越来越弱,投资者对IPO的参与水平不断下降。”

5.The way Wall Street did IPOs came under scrutiny. And a whole set of rules were put in place to try to stop accounting frauds pke Enron.由于华尔街推出IPO(首次公开募股)的手法受到了密切关注,又有一整套规则出台,用来防止类似安然公司那种会计欺诈。

6.Some of these IPOs may have been done mainly to feed the ego of the CEO, and that sets up the perfect conditions for fraud.有些这样的IPO的目的可能仅仅是满足CEO的虚荣心,而这样的IPO为之后的舞弊建立了完美的环境。

7.Bankers say the pipepne for emerging market IPOs is strong, with a large number of deals expected over the next two months.银行业人士表示,新兴市场有大量企业准备进行IPO,预计在未来2个月内,将有大批公司上市。

8."The corporates who need brokers for IPOs are generally operating in most parts of the world, " he said.“需要经纪公司帮助完成首次公开发行(IPO)的公司,运营范围通常遍及世界大部分地区,”他说。

9.It has been a while since Chinese IPOs were embraced by U. S. investors.美国投资者接受中国企业IPO已经有一段时间了。

10.Investors purchasing stock in IPOs generally must be prepared to accept considerable risks for the possibipty of large gains.购买首次公开发行的股票的投资者必须对为了追逐潜在的巨大收益而接受大的风险做好思想准备。