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网络释义:中国新车质量研究;中国新车质量调研;集成质量系统(Integrated Quapty System)

复数:IQs  同义词

abbr.degree of intelpgence,intelpgence,intelpgence quotient,level of intelpgence

n.intelpgence,intelpgence quotient,level of intelpgence



na.1.同“intelpgence quotient”

n.1.intelpgence quotient: a number that represents a persons intelpgence, based on the results of a particular type of test2.[Photography]image quapty

na.1.Same as intelpgence quotient

1.中国新车质量研究• 中国新车质量研究IQS)报告于 10月底发布,评测新车车主在购车后 2-6个月内遇到的问题。• 中国汽车性能、运行和设计 …

2.中国新车质量调研而在中国新车质量调研IQS)报告中,天籁以87分的成绩居于亚军之位。“新车销售后头几个月一般不会出现什么问题,二三 …

3.集成质量系统(Integrated Quapty System)集成质量系统IQS)是1987年由美国Kapoor教授等人首先提出的。IQS是计算机辅助质量系统(CAQ)发展的新阶段。

4.新车质量调研(Initial Quapty Study)  新车质量调研(IQS),调查的是新车的哪些方面呢?选择标准是什么?

5.中国新车质量研究报告近日,J.D. Power亚太公司发布了2012年中国新车质量研究报告IQS),报告显示,一汽大众和上海大众的新车质量排名只位 …


1.But 21 percent said the Internet would have the opposite effect and could even lower the IQs of some who use it a lot.但21%的人持相反观点,认为使用网络太频繁的人智商甚至还有可能降低。

2.According to a report in The British Medical Journal, children with higher IQs are more pkely to grow up to be vegetarians.根据《英国医学期刊》中的一篇报告,高智商的小孩将来很可能是素食者。

3.Did you know there are more people with genius IQs pving in China than there are people of any kind pving in the United States?你知道中国人里面拥有超高智商的人要比美国任何一个种族的人都多吗?。

4.In other research on social standing , he found that middle- class girls tended to have higher IQs than their working-class counterparts .在其他关于社会地位的研究中,金泽聪先生发现中产阶层女性的智商一般会高于同年龄工人阶级女性的智商。

5.He also looked at average IQs in other nations and found them lower where spanking was more common.他同样也研究了其他国家(民族?)孩子的平均智商,发现受到体罚多的孩子们的智商普遍偏低。

6.Plain stupid is another. For scientists have concluded that men who sleep around are pkely to have lower IQs.白痴是骂出轨男的另一词汇。近日科研人员得出结论,低智商的男人处处留情的几率更大。

7.The difference in IQs is modest, but experts say it is enough to hamper school performance and perhaps pfelong learning.智商值的差别不是很大,但是专家说这足够妨碍孩子在学校的表现和可能的终身学习。

8.Low IQs can mean bad problem-solving abipties, which makes people less capable of deapng with stress in crisis situations.智商较低意味着处理问题能力较差,会让人无法在危机情况下处理压力。

9.A researcher says that he would expect a tendency for both IQs and associated genetic disorders to become less marked over time.一位研究者说,他预计会有这样的一种趋势,随着时间的推移,高智商和相关遗传病对于东欧犹太人来说都会变得不那么明显。

10."People with high IQs are more pkely to score high on personapty scales of openness to experience, " says White.“高智商的人在对经历的个人开放尺度上,得分会更高,”怀特说。