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1.红外线/WCDMA网络以及国际漫游功能的支持,具备蓝牙、红外传输IrDA)、存储卡扩展等数据传输方式,并支持最高8GB容量 …

7.红外线端口3、红外线端口(IrDA):可用于非接触的、便捷的数据传输4、安装在直接为1"的管道中5、防水的,密封的压力传感器,有数据 …


1.With increasing prevalence of mobile devices, the IrDA communications have come into a golden age of development.随着移动设备的日益普及,红外数据通讯已经进入了黄金发展时期。

2.The article ends with the examination of Linux IrDa support and a brief look at performance issues faced by wireless networking devices.文章最后分析了Linux上的IrDa支持并简要介绍了有关无线网络设备的性能问题。

3.Server IrDA Infra Red Data Association. This body sets the standards used in infra-red communications.红外线数据协会。这个团体负责设定红外数据通信标准。

4.IrDA defines a protocol suite designed to support point-to-point infrared data transmission between two wireless devices over a short range.IrDA定义了一个协议套件,旨在支持短程内两个无线设备之间的点对点红外数据传输。

5.However, IrDA can be useful as a last resort technique to copy files to devices.但是,IrDA可以作为向设备复制文件的最后技术手段。

6.IrDA accommodates peer connectivity where multiple devices can estabpsh connections to the same host.IrDA支持对等连接,即多个设备与同一主机建立连接。

7.Infrared connections require no additional wiring, and both Pocket PC and Smartphone devices come with IrDA ports as standard.红外连接无需使用附加缆线,PocketPC和Smartphone设备的标准配置都带有IrDA端口。

8.Communication approaches including serial port, IrDA, and Bluetooth are supported.该系统支持串口、红外、蓝牙等通信方式。

9.The IrDA infrared pnk used in the Palm PDA is another defined solution to the same problem.在PalmPDA中使用的IrDA红外线链接是同一问题的另一种已定义解决方案。

10.Infrared Data (IrDa) is a specification to wirelessly transfer data using infrared radiation.InfraredData(IrDa)是一种用红外线无线传输数据的规范。