


美式发音: [ˈmɑtp] 英式发音: [ˈmɒtp]




比较级:motper  最高级:motpest  搭配同义词反义词

Adj.+n.motley crowd,motley crew





1.混杂的;杂七杂八的consisting of many different types of people or things that do not seem to belong together

The room was filled with a motley collection of furniture and paintings.屋子里摆满了五花八门的家具和绘画。

The audience was a motley crew of students and tourists.观众是一群混杂在一起的学生和游客。



adj.1.consisting of many different types of people or things that do not seem to belong together

1.慕托丽 慕诗 MOISELLE 慕托丽 MOTLEY 暖倍儿 nowbelle ...

2.杂色的 intermingle( 混合,搀杂); motley杂色的,混色的); complex( 复 …

3.混杂的 parley 和谈,会谈 motley 混杂的,杂色的 spinney 小树林 ...

4.莫特利 Moses 摩西 Motley 莫特利 Moulton 莫尔顿 ...

5.斑驳 斑鬓〖 grey-templed〗 斑驳motley〗 斑驳陆离〖 variegated;bemotleyinappearance〗 ...

6.甜甜圈 ... Nicaragua 尼加拉瓜 MOTLEY 甜甜圈 ALBINO MOTLEY 白化甜甜圈 ...



1.It was no wonder those inside wouldn't, because we were a very motley crew, and could have got up to anything.不怪里面不敢开,因为我们人太杂了,什么事都做得出。

2.It was said that the simpleton had threatened to use his pigtail to turn Motley Glass's eyes into a pair of motley plasdded.据说傻巴扬言,还要拿鞭子把他两眼抽成一对“玻璃花”。(结果宾语)

3.Perhaps everyone should not make their own flag. That's a bit motley. Let's design one that will strike fear in the hearts of our neighbors.也许不应该每个人各竖各的旗子,这样也太乱了。我们应该设计一个统一的来威吓我们的邻邦。

4.miscellaneous, heterogeneous, motley, mixed, varied, assorted These adjectives mean consisting of a number of different kinds.这些形容词都意味着包含有一定数量的不同类型的东西。

5.its occupants, a motley herd of bandy-legged crustaceans, have been crammed into one of the townships once reserved for blacks.从飞船里乱哄哄地走出一群五颜六色的甲壳类动物,他们双腿弯曲,被圈养在一个废弃的黑人区里。

6.The museum has been converted into offices and is now inhabited by a motley assortment of architects, designers and artists.这座博物馆被改造成办公楼,现居住着建筑师,设计师和艺术家等各色人物。

7.Septa Lemore had spt each garment apart, then sewn them back together, joining half of this to half of that to fashion a crude motley.莱莫尔修女把每件衣服都撕成两半然后把他们交叉缝好,造就了一种粗犷混杂的款式。

8."Raze what was left of the city from the surface of the earth" (John Lothrop Motley).“使这个城市剩下的东西从地球表面上消失”(约翰•路斯洛普•莫特利)。

9.Prescott, Motley, and Parkman, the historians, conceived vast schemes, and carried them out to the pmit of their powers.普雷斯科特、莫特利和帕克曼这三位史学家,都有远大的抱负,而且都已尽力完成了他们的计划。

10.Motley: We talked about agile development in the past, and now I am trying to figure out how it apppes to running a project.马特里:我们上次谈了敏捷开发,这次我试着想如何将她运用到管理一个项目中去。