




1.公民记者 INI 文件读写控件 1.0.0 iReport 报表设计器 3.0.0 JavaRPC 网络软件开发工具 1.0 ...

3.程序开发 Jfreechart 企业开发 ireport 程序开发 ERP 实际返回的行数超出请求的行数 ...

4.的下载和安装 ... 2.3.1 JIRA 的下载与安装28 2.4.1 iReport 的下载和安装31 3.4.2 DOM 接 …


1.Sharek, launched in 2008, seems to have been inspired by CNN's iReport website.Sharek在2008年建立,现在似乎已经受到了CNN的网络报道的启发。

2.It also encourages people to help create stories by uploading pictures and video to its i Report website.也鼓励群众通过上传图片和视频到iReport网站编造故事。

3.CNN's coverage of the Japanese earthquake in March, which drew heavily on iReport material, won it its best ratings in more than five years.CNN在今年三月对日本地震的跟踪报道中,运用了大量的网络素材,却为它赢得了五年来最高的收视率。

4.CNN's iReport had been running this kind of risk for some time.美国电视新闻网的“电子报道”存在这样的风险已经有一段时间了。

5.Martin said no changes would be made to iReport because of the Jobs incident.Martin说iReport不会因“乔布斯事件”而发生变化。

6.Share your images, videos and personal accounts with CNN iReport.将你的照片、视频和个人评价与CNNiReport分享。

7.The code in Listing 2 demonstrates a class that implements the IReport interface.清单2中的代码演示了可以实现IReport接口的类。

8.There are more videos from the protests on iReport.iReport网站上还有更多抗议现场片段。

9."There was a quiet concern for people that may be involved, working in the building or close to construction site, " he said. iReport. com我很担心在那附近的人可能被卷进火灾,比如那些在楼里工作或是离建筑地很近的人

10.YOU can make a short film for the i Report Film Festival, an onpne festival of short films from the campaign trail!您可以制作一部短片参加ireport电影节,一节在线短片从运动径!