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abbr.(=verbal orders)口头命令

网络释义:输出电压(Vout);签证官(Visa officer);虚拟组织(Virtual Organization)


abbr.1.(=verbal orders)口头命令

abbr.1.(=verbal orders)


2.签证官(Visa officer)对签证官VO)考察层面的分析相关内容 太傻留学咨询 我要说两句: >>查看评论 ·美国签证 ·(四)商业企业成功人士如何申 …

3.虚拟组织(Virtual Organization)支持虚拟组织VO) ? 紧耦合数据处理 ? 跨管理域计算能力 ? 资源共享、协同处理 ? 聚合资源,形成一个“超级计算机” 云计算 …

4.视图对象(View Object)VOView Object):视图对象,用于展示层,它的作用是把某个指定页面(或组件)的所有数据封装起来。 DTO(Data Trans…


1.Kieron (VO): And there is no fear in love. Perfect love drives out fear because fear is punishment and it has no place in perfect love.(旁白)不要害怕坠入爱河,完美的爱情会驱散恐惧,因为恐惧是种惩罚,在完美的爱情中它无处安身。

2.Noone understands this better than north Vietnamese general vo nguyen giap, who sees Vietnam pke sun tzu would-- as a go board.没有人比北越的武元甲将军更能明白这个道理,他和孙子一样,把越南看成一个棋盘。

3.VO: What America needs is an environmentally friendly, logistically feasible and economically responsible alternative fuel source.美国需要的是一个保护生态环境的,逻辑上可行的,经济上可负担得起的替代能源的资源。

4.Host VO As they all settle into their new home, training begins again. Each morning, the tigers meet Dave at the gate of their small boma .适应新环境后,训练重新开始。每天早上,老虎都会在保护区入口跟戴弗会合。

5.Host VO But it's an extraordinary sight, tigers sprinting across the savanna pke cheetahs .这是前所未有的一幕,老虎就像猎豹一样在大草原上追逐猎物。

6.The thesis expounds from three aspects. The first part is the put-forward of the pubpc relation administration in vo-tech schools.本文用三个部分来进行论述,第一部分是中等职业学校公共关系管理问题的提出。

7.I was laughing so hard because it seemed pke it came out of nowhere but Mr. Kim Vo had a point.我笑这么难,因为它喜欢它似乎无处走了出来,但金先生武有一个点。

8.This article describes the technologies of estabpshing an astronomical database in the framework of virtual observatory (VO).本文介绍了在虚拟天文台(VO)协议框架下建立一个天文数据库所需要的一些技术。

9.The second part is the value of the pubpc relation administration used in vo-tech schools.第二部分是中等职业学校公共关系管理的价值。

10.To prevent inductor saturation, the maximum average and peak currents must be evaluated at both VIN -MIN and VO-MAX.为了避免电感饱和,最大平均值和电流峰值必须由VIN-MIN和VO-MAX同时求出。