


美式发音: [ˈsɑvrən] 英式发音: [ˈsɒvrɪn]




复数:sovereigns  搭配同义词

adj.+n.british sovereign





1.君主;元首a king or queen

2.金镑(旧时英国金币,面值一英镑)an old British gold coin worth one pound


1.[obn]有主权的;完全独立的free to govern itself; completely independent

2.掌握全部权力的;有至高无上的权力的having complete power or the greatest power in the country

a sovereign ruler最高统治者



adj.1.a sovereign nation rules itself2网站屏蔽ed for referring to the highest power in a country, or to the person or institution that has the highest power

n.1.a king, or a queen2.an old unit of money in the form of a gold coin worth one pound

1.君主 authority( 权力), sovereign君主), majesty( 陛下), ...

2.主权 Sonata 奏鸣曲 Sovereign 元首 Space 空间 ...

4.主权者 turnover 翻覆, 翻折 sovereign 君主的;至高无 上的 reign 统 治 , 支配 ...

6.最高统治者 souvenir n. 纪念物,纪念品 sovereign n. 最高统治者,元者 soy n. 酱油;大豆,黄豆 ...

7.主权的 souvenir 纪念品 sovereign 主权的;最高的 sow 播种 ...


1.if the sovereign had not continually recognized them as salutary, they would have been revoked a thousand times.如果统治者无法持续地认可它们的可贵之处,这些法律会被撤销千百次。

2.Having been French finance minister since the sovereign crisis began, her fingerprints are all over the European end of the Greek bail-out.此次主权债务危机爆发时,拉加德正担任法国财政部长。欧盟对希腊展开的纾困中,从头到尾都留下了拉加德的痕迹。

3.Investors are also watching to see if the Fed discusses the sovereign debt crisis in the euro zone and its impact on the U. S. economy.投资者亦将关注美联储是否会讨论欧债危机及其对美国经济的影响。

4.TRYING to flog sovereign debt three days after the fall of a neighbouring president appears audacious.在领国总理倒台3天后尝试售出主权债务,这看起来很大胆。

5.Some of these countries are great partners in other areas but having them buying land in Brazil creates some sort of sovereign risk for us.其中一些国家在其它领域是巴西的重要合作伙伴,但允许它们在巴西买地却给我们带来了一定的主权风险。

6.Country risk is often correlated to, but is not the same as, Sovereign Risk.虽然,国别风险与主权风险通常高度相关,但国别风险并不等同于主权风险。

7.He said the queen had given him a sovereign remedy in all disorders.他说王后给他的是能治百病的妙药。

8.What more can David say to you? For you know your servant, O Sovereign LORD.主耶和华阿,我还有何言可以对你说呢?因为你知道你的仆人。

9.It is a freedom that is at present difficult for you to comprehend, but deep within you will acknowledge it as one of your sovereign rights.它是一种对于你们来说目前难以理解的自由,但是在你们的内心深处,你们会承认它是你们的主权之一。

10.A negative outlook indicates the possibipty that Moody's could downgrade the country's sovereign credit rating within a year or two.一种负面的前景预测显示出了一种可能性,即穆迪可能在会一、两年之内调低美国的主权信用等级。