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adj.1.dark gray in color

1.铁灰色的 iron 铁 iron-gray 铁灰色的 iron-handed 铁腕的 ...


1.Up to the day of her death at seventy-four it was still that vigorous iron-gray, pke the hair of an active man.直到她七十四岁去世之日为止,还是保持着那旺盛的铁灰色,像是一个活跃的男子的头发。

2.Her iron-gray hair was eked out by a curled false fringe that was proudly brown and disdained to match the rest of her hair .她那铁灰色的头发中掺进了一抹惹眼的褐色假发,显得很不调和。

3.Various kinds castings of ductile iron, gray cast iron and alloy cast iron (Main Product is all kinds of elevator fittings).各种牌号的灰铸铁、球墨铸铁、合金铸铁件(主要产品有各类电梯配件等)

4.His shirt and trousers were as red as a butcher's and even the end of his iron-gray beard was matted with blood.他的衬衫和裤子都像屠宰衣似的红透了,甚至那铁灰色的胡子尖儿也沾满了血。

5.He just stood stiff in the center of the rug, in his hat, the shaggy iron-gray brows twitching spghtly above the pebble-colored eyes.他只是直挺挺地站在地毯的中央,头上仍戴着帽子,卵石色眼睛上方铁灰色的浓眉微微抽动着。

6.It is iron-gray and fairly soft and ductile. Found in many ores, it is about as abundant as copper and three times as abundant as lead.呈铁灰色,柔软性和延展性与锡相近。存在于许多矿矿物中,丰度和铜相近,比地壳火成岩中的铅多两倍。

7.Acceptable; all shades of pepper and salt from dark iron-gray to silver -gray .允许的颜色:从深铁灰色到银灰色等不同深浅的“胡椒色”。

8.When saying these words, Yihe was looking iron gray, eyes casting down.说这些话时,一禾面色铁灰,眼帘低垂。

9.a fine, portly, middle - aged gentleman with iron-gray hair;一位文雅、肥胖、满头铁灰色头发的中年绅士;

10.Standard Specification for Statically Cast Chilled White Iron-Gray Iron Dual Metal Rolls for Pressure Vessel Use压力容器用静态铸造的激冷白口铁-灰口铁双金属轧辊