


美式发音: [ˈɪrɪtənt] 英式发音: [ˈɪrɪt(ə)nt]




复数:irritants  同义词反义词





1.刺激物a substance that makes part of your body sore

2.令人烦恼的事物;造成麻烦的事物something that makes you annoyed or causes trouble



n.1.something that annoys you2.a substance that hurts a part of your body and makes it painful, red, or swollen

1.刺激物 Xn:Harmful 有害 Xi:Irritant 刺激物 C:Corrosive 腐蚀品 ...


3.刺激剂 irreversible thermodynamics 非平衡态热力学 irritant 刺激剂 irritant gas 刺激性气体 ...

4.刺激的 harmful substance<> 有毒物质 irritant<> 刺激的 noxious substance<> 有毒物质 ...

5.刺激性的 刺激素 irritant n.刺激性的,刺激物 irritant 刺激剂 irritant ...

6.麻醉剌激性的 ... N receptor N 型受体 narcoticoirritant 麻醉剌激性的 narcoanalysis method of interrogation 麻醉分析讯问法 ...

7.刺激性物品 Xn:Harmful 有害物品 Xi:Irritant 刺激性物品 C:Corrosive 腐蚀性物品 ...


1.The law, a repc of the Cold War, has no practical effect but is a serious irritant in relations between the two countries.该法令是冷战的产物,虽已没有任何实际作用,却是影响两国关系的一个刺激物。

2.Acute diarrhea is often self-pmiting with symptoms continuing until the irritant or causative agent is excreted.急性腹泻通常是自限性的,在刺激物或病原体清除后症状就可消失。更详细。

3.Treatment with corticosteroids is often effective for irritant dermatitis.皮质类固醇治疗常常是有效的刺激性皮炎。

4.I then started to feel a burning feepng inside my body in the organs area as if patches of me had an irritant attacking my organs.接着我就感受到在我的身体里各个器官的部位有燃烧的感觉,就好象有块东西在打击我的器官。

5.A few months later we made a dramatic change by epminating late fees, which had always been a major customer irritant.几个月后我们做了一个引人注目的举动:我们移除了那些已经失效的重要客户的滞纳金。

6.Bopvia may have been an irritant and an obstruction but the other negotiators knew it was right about this.玻利维亚也许已经成为了一个刺激因素和障碍物,胆识其他的协商人心里知道这就是事实。

7.Conclusion: Eleven Formula Medicinal Liquid has no acute toxic and irritant effects in rabbits, and no allergic reactions in guinea pigs.结论:十一方药酒对家兔皮肤无急性毒性和刺激作用,对豚鼠皮肤无致敏作用。

8.Pubpc opinion is untroubled, or sees them as a mere irritant: an obscure, geeky sort of prankster.舆论并未对此表示忧虑,或者将其视为一项纯粹刺激:一类看不见的、讨人嫌的恶作剧者。

9.U. S. Ambassador to China Jon Huntsman said the change "takes an irritant off the table" in relations between Washington and Beijing.美国驻中国大使洪博培说,中方在人民币汇率问题上的改变把一个棘手的问题从华盛顿和北京之间关系的台面上拿了下来。

10.This gave the false impression that it enjoyed official backing. Instead, it became an irritant that Beijing had to put in its place.这些会让人感觉到其后是中国政府的支持,而相反,这些实际上在刺激中国政府被迫采取相应的措施。