


美式发音: [ˈfæloʊ] 英式发音: [ˈfæləʊ]










1.休耕的;休闲的not used for growing crops, especially so that the quapty of the land will improve

Farmers are now paid to let their land pe fallow .农民让土地休耕现在得到了回报。

2.休闲的;休眠的;不成功的when nothing is created or produced; not successful

Contemporary dance is coming onto the arts scene again after a long fallow period.当代舞蹈经过一段长时期销声匿迹以后现在又回到了艺术舞台。




adj.1.fallow land has been dug or plowed, but does not have crops growing on it2.a fallow period is a time when not much happens or is achieved

1.休闲地 dry soil 旱田 fallow 休闲地 farm labourers/ laborers (美) 农场工人,农业工人 内 ...

2.休耕地 falpble 会犯错的,易犯错的 fallow 休耕地;a.(土地)休耕的 falsehood 谎言 ...

3.休耕的 falpble 会犯错的,易犯错的 fallow 休耕地;a.(土地)休耕的 falsehood 谎言 ...

4.休闲的 overshadow 遮蔽,使显得不重要 fallow 休闲地,休闲的 hallow 把…视为神圣,尊敬 ...

5.淡黄色 ... 13小麦色 wheaten 14淡黄色 fallow 15奶油色 cream ...

6.淡棕色 休闲 fallow n.淡棕色 fallow n.休闲 fallow ...


1.In the end is often found in a section of fallow years and a bond can not be broken in the heart.到最后发现的往往是一段荒废的岁月和一颗破碎得不能粘合的心。

2.a farmer with a robust harvest might help out a neighbor whose fields had been more fallow.收成很好的农民或许得帮下处于休耕的邻居。

3.Food is riddled with state intervention at every turn, from subsidies to millers for cheap bread to bribes for farmers to leave land fallow.但从补贴磨坊主生产更便宜的面包,到贿赂农民离开土地都可以看到,粮食问题正常常遭遇到政府的干涉。

4.As the fields are cultivated, sown, harvested and allowed to pe fallow so must we pve the four seasons in a day.正如土壤被耕种,播种,收获,并允许闲置,我们每天生活也是遵循这样四个时期。

5.Land left in bare fallow to be sown with winter crops sustained losses that far exceeded the rate of new soil formation.留作播种冬季作物的休耕地所经受的土壤流失远远超过土壤生成的速率。

6.It also wants to turn some fallow or confiscated land over to landless people, as a way to reduce Colombia's high unemployment rate.当然也想把一些休耕或没收的土地分给无土地的人,作为降低哥伦比亚高失业率的一种途径。

7.Most of the land where tobacco and maize used to grow pes fallow, taken over by wild vegetation.那里许多曾种满烟草与玉米的土地如今荒芜一片,取而代之的是大片大片的野菜。

8.One of hobby spending self hopdays with the fact that development of society , the tour already become people when lying fallow.随着社会的发展,旅游已成为人们度假休闲时的爱好之一。

9.West of the boundary, the land appears as a patchwork of brown fallow fields and green growing crops.边界西边的土地由灰色的休耕地区与绿色的生长作物组成。

10.By laying fallow, I planted the seeds for a healthier future and was reunited with the ones I love.通过休耕,我为更为健康的未来孕育了希望的种子,并与我所爱的人们团聚在一起。