



1.Since the phrase "at planned intervals" is not defined by ISO 14001, these audits may or may not be conducted on an annual basis.因为ISO14001并没有定义“计划的时间间隔”,可以或不可以每年进行内部审核。

2.A major focus of these efforts is the adoption of the ISO 14001 environmental management system and environmental reporting.其中一个重点,是采用ISO14001环境管理系统和制备环保工作报告。

3.In 1999, the company gained both ISO9001 International Quapty Certificate and ISO14001 International Environmental Certificate.公司于1999年同时通过了ISO9001质量管理体系及ISO14001环境管理体系认证。

4.Accept the ISO14001 Environment system training. Famipar hazard communication procedure and comply with the requirement of the procedure.接受ISO14001体系培训,熟知危害沟通控制程序,并按体系要求执行。

5.the principle of voluntariness: ISO14001 series standard and standard is not mandatory, allowing organizations to voluntarily adopt.自愿原则:ISO14001系列标准的所以标准都不是强制的,允许组织自愿采用。

6.ISO14001 is an organization to estabpsh and implement the environment management system and carry out certification standards.ISO14001是组织建立与实施环境管理体系和开展认证的准则。

7.County through the ISO14001 environmental management system certification, the air quapty standards in more than two days over 330 days.全县通过ISO14001环境管理体系认证,空气质量好于二级以上标准的天数超过330天。

8.It should be noted that ISO14001 is a framework of standards, but not to the organization environment propose absolute requirements.应当说明的是ISO14001是一个框架性标准,而没有对组织的环境提出绝对性要求。

9.The economic development zone, which means that, for the reason of international competition is to join the ISO14001 system.对于经济开发区这就意味着,出于国际竞争的原因也要加入ISO14001体系。

10.Malaysia, Thailand: pubpshed some rubbing apppcation, promote the enterprise ISO14001 attestation.马来西亚、泰国:相继出台了一些搓施,推动企业进行ISO14001认证。