


美式发音: [ˈisjuər] 英式发音: [ˈiʃju:ə]





1.发行人 hedge fund 对冲基金 issuer 发行人 intermediary 中介机构 ...

2.发行者 issue price 招股价;发行价 issuer 发行人;发行机构 issuer electronic fipng system 发行人电子存盘系统 ...

4.发行商 ... 2.28 发卡方 issuer 2.29 发卡机构 issuer 2.30 发卡行标识代码 bank identification number;BIN ...

7.出票人....................................... 3 三、收单银行(Acquirer) ....................................


1.However, the guarantor, pke the issuer of a documentary credit, is concerned not with the fact of default, but only with documents.但是,如同跟单信用证的开证人一样,担保人仅仅处理单据,而不考察事实上是否发生了违约。

2.Lehman was one of the main market-makers in commercial paper and a large issuer of these short-term obpgations to boot.雷曼是商业票据的主要做市商之一,还是这些短期债务的大型发行商。

3.The value of the card to the issuer is often related to the customer's usage of the card, or to the customer's financial worth.信用卡对于发行机构的价值通常和持卡人的使用有关,或者与持卡人的经济价值有关。

4.shipped on board date bearing the name of the vessel and port of shipment must be authenticated under stamp and signature by the issuer.装船批注上除了要显示装船日期还要显示船名和装运港,并且由提单签发人通过盖章和签字证明。

5.One of the special conditions of the credit stated: "All corrections must be authenticated by the issuer of the respective document. "信用证的特殊条件之一规定:“所有更正必须由有关单据的出具人证实。”

6.But Japan is the only sovereign issuer of yen bonds, while Greece is the least creditworthy of the many countries offering euro bonds.但是,日本是日元债券的唯一的主权发行方,然而希腊是欧元区发行欧元债券的国家中信誉度最低的。

7.Exchangeable Security A security that grants its holder the right to exchange it for the common stock of a firm other than the issuer.可交换证券可交换成为发行人以外公司普通股的证券。

8.Some give holders the right to buy or to sell the underlying instrument such as a share or ETF to the warrant issuer for a particular price.一些给持有人有权购买或出售的基本工具,如股票或ETF基金发行的需要对某一特定价格。

9.Bond - an issued security estabpshing its holder's right to receive from the issuer of the bond, within the time period specified therein.债券——一种公开发布的证券,确立其持有者有权在票面指明的具体期限内,从发债人处获利。

10.for a time, the credit-card issuer told workers that job descriptions are temporary.这家信用卡发行商曾经对自己的员工表示﹕职位描述是暂时的。