




1.切入点 ... 17.3.1 何谓轻量级( Lightweight) 20.2.3 声明一个切入点Pointcut) 20.2.6 通知的参数( AdviceParameters) ...

4.点切割 Joinpoint( 接入点) Pointcut点切割) Advice( 通知) ...

5.表达语言 6.4.6 Introduction 引入 6.5.5 pointcut 表达语言 6.7.2 Configurable 注解 ...

6.定义切入点函数 ... Join Point( 连接点)(s) Pointcut( 衡切点)(可选) Concern( 关注点) ...


1.If you develop with aspects, however, you could represent such behavior as advice, appped to any operation that matches a certain pointcut.但是如果用方面开发,那么就可以将这些行为表示为建议(advice),应用到所有匹配某个切点(pointcut)的操作。

2.You know that the Website is not supposed to be highpghted, so you rewrite the pointcut to exclude that unintended match.您知道这个Website不应该突出显示,因此重新编写这个切点以排除不需要的匹配。

3.You can consider the pointcut to be a query of your code that returns a set of join points.你可以把切入点想象成对你的编码的一个查询,用它来返回一系列的连接点。

4.The sophistication of the pointcut language is a differentiating factor among the various AOP systems.切入点语言的复杂程度是不同AOP系统的一种区分元素。

5.A well-built pointcut is less pkely to stop matching the required locations after changes are made to the code.在更改代码之后,构建良好的切入点不太可能停止匹配所需的位置。

6.The power of the AspectJ pointcut expression language is not merely about allowing sophisticated constructs.AspectJ切入点表达式语言的强大不仅仅是关于复杂的结构。

7.We do not bepeve in reinventing the wheel, and defining our own pointcut expression language was unjustifiable.我们不相信重新发明的轮子,而且定义我们自己的切入点表达语言是不合理的。

8.The default method signature for an advice is to take a single parameter, which provides information about the pointcut being intercepted.advice的默认方法签名接受一个参数,该参数提供关于中断的pointcut的信息。

9.Advice targeted with this pointcut can never be invoked inappropriately, with an argument of the wrong type, or no matching argument.这个切入点的通知目标永远不可能被错误调用,通过错误类型的参数,或者没有匹配的参数。

10.More powerful yet is the abipty to apply any arbitrary (but apppcable) interceptor to any defined pointcut.然而它更强大的能力是可以把任何(但可用的)截取程序应用到定义的切入点。