




1.举手 34. Let's watch TV. 我们看电视吧。 35. Raise your hand . 举手。 36. Look,look. 看,看。 ...

2.举起你的手 Shh! Be quiet.( 嘘!安静。) Raise your hand.( 举起你的手。) Listen.( 听。) ...

3.把手举起来 6. Be quiet! 安静! 7. Raise your hand! 把手举起来! 8. Put down your hand! 把手放下! ...

4.举起手 ... 告诉我答案—— Tell me the answer 举起手—— Raise your hand 你们做完了吗?—— Are you finis…

5.毛遂自荐 Have miniature goals. 小目标和大成功。 Raise your hand. 毛遂自荐。 Be around confident people. 和自信的人在一起。 ...

6.举起手来 幻想曲 Fantasia 举起手来Raise Your Hand 生日 Date Of Birth ...

7.举起你的手吧 幻想曲 Fantasia 举起你的手吧Raise Your Hand 出生日期 Date Of Birth ...

8.请举手 ... Sorry I am late. 抱歉我迟到了。 Raise your hand. 请举手。 May I come in? (报告)我能进来吗…


1.If you think you know your birth day, raise your hand.如果你觉得知道的话,举下手。

2.The moment, the wind turned southwest and large, and the boat, raise your hand and forehead, salty, thought by a stroke.申刻,风转西南且大,合舟之人,举手加额,咸以为有神助。

3.If you raise your hand again I'm going to ask you to come up here and punch me in the face.如果你(讲话前)还要举手,那你还是来给我脸上一拳吧。

4.Raise your hand if you had a serious fall in your household, or any of your loved ones, your parents or so forth. Right? Classic.如果在你家,有过严重的摔倒,不论是你,还是你的爱人,你的父母还是其他人,请举起你的手。对吧?太经典了。

5.Raise your hand to get out of your seat.离开座位时,要举手。

6.Raise your hand to ask a question. And oh, yes: Salute every passing car on your way to and from school.哦,对了,还有一条:在上学放学的路上想每一辆过往的汽车致敬。

7.Raise your hand if you think you're ruining the planet!如果你认为你正在毁坏那颗行星,那么,举起手来!

8.Li gathered everyone in the shadow of the bus and said, "Whoever wants to go, raise your hand. "李导游把大家都叫道大巴的背阴处,说:“想去比萨斜塔的举手。”

9.You know if you want to speak, please raise your hand.你知道的,如果要发言,请你先举手。

10.If I say anything that you don't understand, raise your hand right away.如果我说的事你不明白的话,立即举手。