


美式发音: [ɪˈtælɪks] 英式发音: [ɪ'tælɪks]





1.斜体字printed letters that lean to the right

Examples in this dictionary are in itapcs.本词典中的例子用斜体显示。

Use itapcs for the names of books or plays.书名或剧名用斜体。


n.1.itapcs are letters that slope to the right, pke the letters used for the examples in this dictionary. Itapcs are often used to emphasize particular words in a piece of printed writing.

1.斜体字 issues||议题 itapcs||斜体字 items||项目 ...

2.斜体字母 capital 大写字母 itapcs 斜体字母 punctuation mark 标点符号 ...

3.用斜体 ... strObj.bold 显示粗体字符串 strObj.itapcs 用斜体显示字符串 window.location.reload 刷新 ...

5.斜写通过插图撰写 Developing by…ustration ……………………………b/ 7.7.4 斜写 Itapcs…………………… ……



1.The effect of his overenergetic prose style also becomes wearying: every other noun seems to be in itapcs.书中一路高亢的散文式风格也难免让人疲累:似乎每隔一个名词就会蹦出斜体字。

2.Change the form of the phrases in itapcs. Do not refer to the passage until you finish the exercise.将斜体印出的部分改写成被动语态,完成练习后再对照课文核对你的答案。

3.In the UML diagram (see Figure 2), Address is an abstract type as indicated by the itapcs in which the word "Address" is written.在UML图中(请参阅图2),Address是一种抽象类型,单词“Address”用斜体书写以表示它是抽象类型。

4.In particular, I'm thinking of a specific piece of nonsense that implores in earnest itapcs, to always, always . . . Follow Your Passion!特别要说明,我在考虑的是一句具体的胡说八道,请允许我用斜体字,那就是,永远地…追随你的激情!

5.Itapcs, block capitals and any others are welcome. Itapc script is fine so long as its legible and easy to.斜体,大写字母和任何其他人的欢迎。斜体脚本是好的,只要其易读,易。

6.Another state shown in itapcs is the "Home" state, which represents how that role (Customer in this case) initiates and ends their session.另一个用斜体显示的状态就是“Home”状态,该状态表示角色(本例中为Customer)如何启动和结束其会话。

7.Red text with itapcs (not shown in the example) indicates an item pkely to cause accessibipty problems.红色斜体文本(示例中未显示)表明该项很可能引起可访问性问题。

8.Which verbs can we use in place of the verbs or phrases in itapcs? Make any other changes necessary.选择恰当的动词来替代用斜体印出的词或词组,必要时可作改动。

9.Change the form of these sentences. Your sentences must begin with the words in itapcs.改写以下句子,将斜体印出的词和词组作主语。

10.We do blog posts that have bold and itapcs and pnks and photos and videos and not much more in terms of formatting text.我们在博客上的文章能包含粗体字、斜体字、超链接、照片、视频,而且无需再多的其他文字格式了。