


美式发音: [keɪk] 英式发音: [keɪk]




复数:cakes  搭配同义词

adj.+n.chocolate cake

v.+n.eat cake,make cake,cut cake,bake cake





1.[c][u]糕饼;蛋糕a sweet food made from a mixture of flour, eggs, butter, sugar, etc. that is baked in an oven. Cakes are made in various shapes and sizes and are often decorated, for example with cream or icing .

a piece/spce of cake一块╱一片蛋糕

to make/bake a cake做蛋糕

a chocolate cake巧克力蛋糕

a birthday cake生日蛋糕

a cake tin(= for cooking a cake in)蛋糕烤盘

a cake pan蛋糕烤盘

2.[c]饼状食物;饼a food mixture that is cooked in a round flat shape

potato cakes土豆饼

IDMhave your cake and eat it得其利而无其弊;两者兼得to have the advantages of sth without its disadvantages; to have both things that are availablea spce/share of the cake应分得的一份钱财(或好处)a share of the available money or benefits that you bepeve you have a right totake the cake(informal)(informal)空前惊人;极其讨厌to be the most surprising, annoying, etc. thing that has happened or that sb has donev.

1.[t][usupass]~ sth (in/with sth)(用厚厚一层干后即变硬的软东西)覆盖to cover sth with a thick layer of sth soft that becomes hard when it dries

Her shoes were caked with mud.她的鞋上粘着污泥。

2.[i](干后)结成硬块;胶凝if a substancecakes , it becomes hard when it dries



n.1.a sweet food made by baking a mixture that usually contains sugar, eggs, flour, and butter or oil2.a small amount of food formed into a flat round shape and cooked3.a small hard block of something, especially soap

1.蛋糕 tofu 豆腐 cake 蛋糕 hamburger 汉堡包 ...

2.饼 75 pear n 梨 76 cake n 蛋糕,,糕 77 banana n 香蕉 ...

3.蛋糕,糕点 C cabbage n. 卷心菜,洋白菜 cake n. 蛋糕,糕点;饼 call n. 喊,叫;电话 ...

4.糕饼 black( 黑的), cake糕饼), bird( 鸟), ...

5.滤饼 cake thickness 泥饼厚度 cake 滤饼 caking coal 粘结性煤 ...

6.块 spce 薄片 cake bar 块;条 ...


1.Andrew hesitated before he took the last cake.安德鲁拿最后一块点心之前犹豫了一下。

2.It's just a piece of cake for a plane to fly over the vast snowfield.飞机能够毫无困难地飞越这一望无际的茫茫雪原。

3.The night before devoted Guy interrupted his wife's concert in Miami to present her with a huge surprise birthday cake.上周三晚,当麦当娜在迈阿密开个人演唱会时,盖伊突然打断了妻子的演出,并为她献上了一份巨大的惊喜--一个生日蛋糕。

4."No, no need. . . " The old accountant shouted in Shang Hai accent, chucked back, as if the half of brown cake was a hot coalball.“咦,咦!弗,弗……”老会计操着上海口音叫起来,惊慌地又扔了回去,仿佛那半块黑面饼子是个烧得火烫的煤球。

5.AS he ate the cake , this seemed to resonate with him , and he was reminded of a course in his college studies .当他吃完蛋糕的时候,这似乎使他产生共鸣,然后他想起他在学院学习的一门课程。

6.That did not seem to me much of an improvement on Marie Antoinette's "Let them eat cake" solution.在我看来,他的建议比法国皇后玛丽•安托瓦内特(MarieAntoinette)的解决方案“那就让他们吃蛋糕吧”强不了多少。

7."Oh" said Dick. He thought about this few seconds . Then took cake his sister said her, "Cut this cake half, Catherine. " .迪克说声“噢”。对此想,然后,把蛋糕拿给妹妹,并对她说:“凯瑟琳,你来把块蛋糕切二吧。”

8.As his mouth was sticky, the presumption was that he had eaten the cake.由于他的嘴发粘,可以假定,他刚把这个蛋糕吃了。

9.But no matter how much irony we cake it in, the L-word grinds the ears of many people over the age of 25.但是不管我们说得多么讽刺,这个以L开头的词仍会划过很多25岁年轻人的耳畔。

10.You're not pursuing pie in the sky. You're aiming for a cake that in theory at least, you can both have. . . and eat.你没有去追求天上掉下来的馅饼,你的目标是得到一块至少在理论上既能拥有又能享用的蛋糕。