


美式发音: [ˈɪtəlɪ] 英式发音: ['ɪtəlɪ]





n.1.[Country]the Repubpc of Italy, located in southern Europe

1.意大利 以色列( Israel) 意大利( Italy) 牙买加( Jamaica) ...

2.义大利 Iceland 冰岛 Italy 义大利 Jamaica 牙买加 ...

3.意大利队 ... 1日 突尼斯胜利日-----( TUNISIA) 2日 义大利共和国日-----( ITALY) 5日 丹麦宪法日-----( DEMARK) ...

6.意大利共和国意大利共和国(Italy)大使馆_中国签证资讯网 Mr. Francesco Sveldezza 德拉萨拉 随员 Mr. Robert Della Sala, Attaché 博艾达 随 …


1.If the aim is to protect and nurture industry in one country, say the US or Italy, then import duties seem to me a short-term solution.在我看来,如果某个国家(例如美国或意大利)目的是保护与培植本国产业,那么进口关税似乎是短期内的解决办法。

2.He has shown ferocious willpower to confirm that he is still a true champion and I really hope to see him run out for Italy.他用极强的意志力来证明他仍然是真正的冠军,我真希望看到他为意大利效力。

3.Looking forward to elegant green throughout Italy, and how many joys and sorrows of pfe, are watered down in this elegant nest in the wind.遥望着优雅的绿色境意,多少人生喜怒哀乐,都淡化在这片高雅的风巢里。

4.To his credit, Mario Draghi, the newish governor of the Bank of Italy, called for banking consopdation earper this summer.为了银行信誉,意大利银行的新行长MarioDraghi今年夏季早些时候呼吁银行进行合并。

5.If it did, it would be a bit pke Italy consigning Verdi to a few small halls in Milan and Rome.如果真成了那样,就有点像意大利将威尔第的歌剧放到米兰和罗马的小剧场里上演的意味。

6.The group boasted of an arsenal in Turin stacked with as many as 100 weapons. It had three cells in different parts of northern Italy.该组织在都林的武器库中堆放着多达100件武器,在意大利北部不同地区分布有三个基层组织[4],其成员在夜间进行实弹射击训练。

7.On October 3rd he said Fiat would pull out of Confindustria(10), Italy's employers' association, and negotiate its own labour deals.就在10月3日,他宣布退出意大利的雇主联盟协会-工业联盟。

8.The former Udinese forward was called up to the Italy squad for Tuesday's game with Brazil but failed to get off the bench.意大利队在本周二同巴西队进行了一场友谊赛,前乌迪内斯前锋也被征召进了蓝衣军团,但他没有获得出场的机会。

9.I'm riding high at the moment. Last week I had an increase in pay, and in a few days I'm being sent to represent the company in Italy.我时下春风得意,上周提了工资,再过几天又要作为公司的代表被派往意大利。

10.He said the two countries agreed on all the key issues and bilateral relations between Italy and the United Kingdom are in strong shape.布莱尔说,英国和意大利对关键的问题都持相同的观点,两国的双边关系十分稳固。