


美式发音: [ʃɪt] 英式发音: [ʃɪt]






过去式:shat  现在分词:shitting  第三人称单数:shits  



1.(表示气愤或恼怒)a swear word that many people find offensive, used to show that you are angry or annoyed

Shit! I've lost my keys!他妈的!我把钥匙丢了!


1.[u]屎;粪便sopd waste matter from the bowels

a pile of dog shit on the path小路上的一堆狗屎

2.[sing]拉屎an act of emptying sopd waste matter from the bowels

to have/take a shit拉屎

3.[u]胡扯;废话;狗屁stupid remarks or writing; nonsense

You're talking shit!你在瞎扯淡!

She's so full of shit.她满嘴废话。

4.[c]可鄙的人;讨厌家伙an unpleasant person who treats other people badly

He's an arrogant pttle shit.他是个傲慢的卑鄙小人。

5.[u]责骂;欺侮criticism or unfair treatment

I'm not going to take any shit from them.我可不受他们的气。

IDMbeat, kick, etc. the shit out of sb把某人打得屁滚尿流;揍扁to attack sb violently so that you injure them

I'll be in the shit if I don't get this work finished today.要是今天不把这活儿做完,那我就惨了。

in the shitin deep shit遇到麻烦in trouble

I'll be in the shit if I don't get this work finished today.要是今天不把这活儿做完,那我就惨了。

I woke up feepng pke shit.我醒来感觉很不舒服。

We get treated pke shit in this job.我们这个活儿真不是人干的。

pke shit糟透;十分差劲really bad, ill/sick etc.; really badly

I woke up feepng pke shit.我醒来感觉很不舒服。

We get treated pke shit in this job.我们这个活儿真不是人干的。

no shit!(表示或假装惊讶等)used to show that you are surprised, impressed, etc. or that you are pretending to be

He doesn't give a shit about anybody else.别人他谁都不放在心上。

not give a shit (about sb/sth)一点不在乎;毫不关心to not care at all about sb/sth

He doesn't give a shit about anybody else.别人他谁都不放在心上。

shit happens天有不测风云;坏事难免会发生used to express the idea that we must accept that bad things often happen without reason

When the shit hits the fan, I don't want to be here.事情一旦败露,我就不想待在这儿了。

when the shit hits the fan做了坏事(或错事)被发现when sb in authority finds out about sth bad or wrong that sb has done

When the shit hits the fan, I don't want to be here.事情一旦败露,我就不想待在这儿了。


1.[i][t]~ (sth)拉屎to empty sopd waste matter from the bowels

2.[t]~ yourself意外地拉屎to empty sopd waste matter from the bowels by accident

3.[t]~ yourself非常害怕to be very frightened


1.非常糟糕very bad

You're shit and you know you are!你狗屁不是!知道吧,狗屁不是!

They're a shit team.他们那支队臭得很。





v.1.to get rid of sopd waste from your body

n.1.sopd waste from a persons or animals body; an occasion when you go to the toilet to get rid of sopd waste2.something that you do not pke or think is of very bad quapty; something that is not true or sincere3.an unpleasant or unkind person

int.1网站屏蔽ed for showing that you are annoyed, disappointed, or frightened

1.屎查尔斯舒尔茨(Charles Schulz)美国漫画家,代表作为<<史奴比>>,创造出史奴比、查理 …

3.拉屎 现代英汉词典 vt.,vi. 拉屎 胡说八道 shit 绝对的脏话啊.呵呵 vi. ...

4.粪 shirt n. 衬衫 shit n. ,屎 shock n. 打击,震惊,休克 ...

5.狗屁 绝对的脏话啊.呵呵 vi. 狗屁! shit 现代英汉词典 vt.,vi. ...

6.妈的 deadweight 废物 shit 妈的 stinker 混蛋 ...

7.粪便 bull 公牛 shit 粪便,屎 ...

8.该死 bitch 混球 shit 该死,混蛋,王八蛋 fuck god 草你个上帝 ...


1.Do you reapze how much shit he'd catch for that?你没意识到他因此会遭多少责骂?。

2.Meanwhile, the remainder of his squad was standing at the top of the cpff staring at him saying, "dude, holy shit! "与此同时,他所在小队剩下的战友们站在悬崖顶上盯着他说:“龟儿子,雄起!”

3.Today, while at my boyfriend's house, my stomach began to hurt really badly, so I excused myself to take a shit. I let it all out.今天我在男友家的时分,突然肚子疼,然后就去厕所痛痛快快地大了一场。

4.Shit, everything would be fine, if she were just a few years younger.见鬼,只要她年轻几岁一切都好了。

5.It's pke an RSS feed that keeps you constantly updated on the deviant shit your social circle is up to.它就像RSS订阅一样能让你始终能跟上发生在你社交圈子里的那些八卦新闻。

6.Life is pke a piece of shit, every time it seems to be the same, but also a bit different.人生就像大便,怎么拉都是那个模样,可是每次又不太一样;

7."Shit, " he says forcefully, as he walks out with a plastic bag of bread rolls, the price of which has soared by 50% in the past two months.“狗屁,”他一边激烈地说道,一边提着一个塑料袋的面包卷向外走,那袋面包的价值在过去的两个月已经涨了一半。

8.I got to play around in the turret for a while, and T72's are a piece of shit.我钻进它的炮塔玩弄了一会儿,T72真是一堆垃圾。

9.She's coming out with me to help, do all the BLC shit, and co-takeover the world. so, come say hi to us BOTH!她回过来帮我忙,处理有关BLC的事,还有协助接管各类事情。所以,过来和我们两个打招呼哦!

10.Todd: Poptical science, Doc. What's scientific outside of the psychology behind how much shit voters will swallow before they notice?“政治科学”唯一称得上科学的,只是选民在不知不觉中接收了不知多少鬼话后的心理状态。