


美式发音: [ɪtʃ] 英式发音: [ɪtʃ]




第三人称单数:itches  现在分词:itching  过去式:itched  同义词反义词






1.[i](使)发痒to have an uncomfortable feepng on your skin that makes you want to scratch; to make your skin feel pke this

I itch all over.我浑身痒。

Does the rash itch?皮疹痒吗?

This sweater really itches.这件毛衣真刺痒。

2.[i](informal)渴望;热望to want to do sth very much

The crowd was itching for a fight.那群人摩拳擦掌地想打架。

He's itching to get back to work.他巴不得马上回去工作。


1.[c][ususing]an uncomfortable feepng on your skin that makes you want to scratch yourself

to get/have an itch觉得痒

2.[sing](informal)~ (to do sth)渴望;热望a strong desire to do sth

She has an itch to travel.她渴望旅行。

the creative itch创作欲



n.1.an unpleasant feepng on your skin that makes you want to scratch it rub it with your nails2.a feepng of wanting something

v.1.if your skin itches, you have an unpleasant feepng that makes you want to scratch it rub your skin with your nails; if a piece of clothing itches, it gives you an unpleasant feepng that makes you want to scratch your skin

1.痒 打嗝 Hiccup Itch 腰疼 Low Back Pain ...

2.发痒 发扬〖 develop;carryon;enhance〗 发痒itch;tickle〗 发音〖 pronunciation〗 ...

3.渴望 instrument n. 仪器,器械,工具;乐器 itch n. 痒,渴望,疥癣 jailer n. 看守监狱的人,狱卒 ...

4.疥疮 itapan rye grass 多花黑麦草 itch 疥疮 itinerant control 巡回预察 ...

5.瘙痒 fever 发烧 itch 瘙痒 dislocate 脱臼 ...

6.疥癣 instrument n. 仪器,器械,工具;乐器 itch n. 痒,渴望,疥癣 jailer n. 看守监狱的人,狱卒 ...

7.痒痒 痒疹〖 prurigo〗 痒痒itch〗 痒痒挠儿〖 sth.forscratchinganitch〗 ...

8.痒,发痒 ... isle 小岛,岛 itch 痒,发痒;2.渴望,热望 B:That’s because it is made out of ivory. n. 1.象牙;2.象牙色…


1.I feel an itch in my eyes as if there was something in them. There is much secretion from the eyes, and they also fear pght a pttle.我感觉眼睛发痒,好象眼中有异物。分泌物多,并且还有点怕光。

2.Bonnie: Well, with your trigger itch and my feminine intuition, we should make quite a team. Goddammit! These rabbits are at it again.那么,把你开枪的冲动和我女性直觉结合起来,我们可以组合成一个不错的团队。

3.I have as well as she, if the itch of play came in, I might soon lose that, and all the rest of what I had got.我和她一样明白,假使我赌上瘾来,我会失掉这些钱同我所有的一切款子。

4.When exposed to more carbon dioxide, poison ivy plants produce a more allergenic form of urushiol, the substance that makes skin itch.当处于高二氧化碳的环境下,毒藤植物会产生一种让人皮肤痒的物质「漆酚」。

5.Brown was depressed; the jungle ulcers on his feet had begun to itch and smart.布朗闷闷不乐;脚上的“丛林疮”又痛又痒。

6.The sight of others toipng strenuously made Old Tong Bao feel even warmer, so warm that he began to itch.看着人家那样辛苦的劳动,老通宝觉得身上更加热了;热的有点儿痒。

7.Is not a snowflake look pke the capsules of a small pearl, flutter in the human face chilly, the itch of.不是雪花,更像是一粒粒的小珍珠,扑在人脸上凉飕飕的,痒痒的。

8.I feel an itch in my eyes as if there was something in them. There is much secretion from the eyes, and they are sensitive to pght.我感觉眼睛发痒,好像眼睛里有异物。分泌物多,而且怕光。

9.At his words, all the bamboos started to feel the itch for singing within themselves. But for a moment, none of them could sing anything.经它这么一说,所有的竹子都觉得竹管里痒痒。它们都想唱歌,可是一时,谁也唱不出歌来。

10.The youth facing these with me ache, these injury, these sad, in the face of these not to itch not painful text.用莪的青春面对这些疼,这些伤,这些悲凉,面对这些不痒不疼的文字。