





2.沃豪 Jensen 杰森 Vauxhall 伏克斯豪尔 Mclaren 迈凯轮 ...

4.欧宝欧宝VAUXHALL)Corsa...因为制动踏板轴承所用的材料强度不够...在大力制动时轴承可能损坏...更换制动踏板轴承...可以 …

5.沃克斯霍尔周三,伦敦沃克斯霍尔(Vauxhall),一架直升机坠毁,燃烧的飞机残骸冒出浓烟。Victor Jimenez/Getty Images 消防员在事故现 …

6.沃克斯豪尔汽车公司  沃克斯豪尔汽车公司VAUXHALL),英国本土的汽车制造公司,1903年开始制造汽车,1925年被美国通用汽车公司收购。目 …


1.Unless Fiat or Magna was prepared to come up with the money within 24 hours, Opel and Vauxhall would join their parent in insolvency.除非菲亚特(Fiat)或者曼格纳(Magna)愿意在24小时内拿出这笔钱,否则欧宝和沃克斯豪尔将与其母公司一并进入破产程序。

2.The popular pleasure gardens of Ranelagh and Vauxhall in London began serving tea around 1730.年左右受人喜爱的拉尼拉和沃克斯霍尔娱乐园开始供应茶了。

3.It will go on sale this summer badged the Opel Insignia OPC in Continental Europe and as the Vauxhall Insignia VXR in the United Kingdom.它将于今年夏天出售的欧宝车徽章OPC技术在欧洲大陆和徽章作为沃克斯豪尔VXR在英国。

4.That dramatic shift would essentially change the face of Vauxhall overnight, for better or for worse.这戏剧性的转变可能将从根本上改变面貌沃克斯豪尔在一夜之间,或好或坏的。

5.The pkely new owner of the UK's Vauxhall, part of GM Europe, could be announced later today.今天晚些时候,通用欧洲公司的英国分部沃克斯豪尔的新主人可能就要公布了。

6.In the UK, the car will pkely be known as the Vauxhall Insignia VXR.在英国,汽车可能会被称为沃克斯豪尔徽章VXR。

7.According to Autocar, GM could be planning to source future Vauxhall models from its South Korean Daewoo unit.根据汽车,通用汽车可以规划未来Vauxhall的源模式从韩国大宇股。

8.It is the latest part of GM's reorganisation, which is also set to see the Opel and Vauxhall brands going to Canada's Magna.这是通用最近的一次重组,也为加拿大Magna收购欧宝及沃克斯豪尔提供参考。

9.To avoid two full pnes of identical and competing vehicles, Vauxhall could absorb Chevrolet in the UK.为了避免两整线相同,并相互竞争的车辆,沃克斯豪尔可吸收雪佛兰在英国。

10.Magna takes the managerial role of Opel and Vauxhall, despite owning only 20% of the automakers.麦格纳需要的管理作用,欧宝和Vauxhall,尽管只拥有20%的汽车。