




1.苹果 ·蓝图3 D Blueprint 3D v1.2.1 ·苹果 Itouch5 ·暴力街区 Brutal Street v1.1 ...

2.苹果皮 itouch5 二手 itouch 苹果皮 itouch 耳机 ...

3.苹果还是适合做掌机 本尊少爷 sunny 4-12 出售苹果itouch5 一品白衫 Hy 4-12 ...

5.系列 iPad 系列 iTouch 系列 APPLE 系列配件 ...

6.触控桌面 ... Itouch4 手写屏 Itouch3 触摸 Itoucstrong 液晶屏 ...


1.Google on Monday released e-book buying and reading apps for Apple's iPhone, iTouch and iPad as well as Android mobile devices.谷歌周一发布了可供苹果iPone、iTouch和iPad及Android等移动设备购买和阅读电子书的应用软件。

2.Gameloft games are also available to players on WiiWare and DS, Microsoft's Xbox LIVE Arcade, Apple's iPod, iTouch and iPhones, and PCs.智乐软件的游戏也可应用于WiiWare和DS,微软的XboxLIVEarcade,苹果的ipod,iTouch和iphones,以及个人计算机上。

3.Together with an Apple Peel 520, priced at $57, the user gets an iTouch-turned phone for less than $300.而加上售价57美元的苹果皮520,获得一部由iTouch改造的电话只需不到300美元。

4.Truphone, on the other hand, already has a free app at iTunes that allows iTouch owners to turn their device into a mobile phone.另一方面,在iTunes上已经有Truphone的免费程序,它使得iTouch用户把iTouch变成一部手机。

5.I probably spend about 5 minutes a day doing it. I use MyFitnessPal. com onpne and it syncs to my IPod Touch.我每天大约只要5分钟去记录,我是用的是:MyFitnessPal网址被屏蔽,并且我把它同步到我的Itouch上。