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网络释义:湿婆;怡发;兼容以下智能视频分析(Intelpgent Video Analytics)



abbr.1.individual voluntary arrangement

1.湿婆P)、百万画素(Megapixel)与内建智能辨识IVA(Intelpgent Video Analytics)的技术,领先市场率先提供「BRICK ONE Solution …

4.债务重组个人债务重组(IVA)、香港破产、个人自愿安排、拯救个人破产、DRP、破产接管、收数公司滋扰、投诉收数公司滋扰遗产承办 …

5.增值税  (四)增值税IVA):增值税是葡萄牙税收中的一个重要税种。现行的增值税法律是在1984年12月通过,从1986年加入欧洲 …


1.I helped Iva into the house, undressed her and put her to bed.我扶艾娃进门,给她宽衣解带并把她抱上床。

2.I thought I would spend the rest of the evening with her and avoid bickering with Iva and going to sleep in raw temper.我觉得今晚剩下的时间应该在她那消磨,这样也可避免和艾娃拌嘴,赌气上床睡觉。

3.But the relationship has broken down recently: electricity use is still shrinking, while IVA is growing at a decent rate again.不过最近这种关系却被打破了:用电量仍在下降,但工业增加值却再度以尚佳的速度增长。

4.The only match that the world number one Hingis has lost this year was against Iva Majop in the final of the French Open.世界1号选手辛吉斯今年输的唯一一场比赛是在法国公开赛决赛中败给了伊娃·玛约莉。

5.However, IVA is a complex process, because many factors may influence the outcome of it.然而,阅读中词汇附带习得是一个复杂的过程,其习得的效果受到很多因素的影响。

6.Group IVA consists of a nonmetal, carbon, two metalloids, sipcon and germanium, and two metals, tin and lead.集团——IVA由非金属、二氧化碳、二、塑胶制品、硅、锗,两个金属、锡、铅。

7.Debt management plans are a higher-risk, unregulated form of IVA .债务管理计划是个人自愿协议一种高风险、无秩序的形式。

8.The most distinguished contemporary Jewish writer Saul Bellow chiseled three representative women images: Iva, Madeleine and Minna.贝娄塑造了三个具有代表意义的女性形象:伊娃、玛德琳和明娜。

9.Perhaps , most of all , I remember how I no longer felt that Iva Mae was the poorest girl in our first grade class .也许,这一切里最重要的是,我记得我是怎样不再觉得伊娃·梅是我们一年级班上最穷的女孩的。

10.In Wenzhou and other places, both IVA and IVB are pronounced as long tones.温州等地是阴入、阳入全部读为长调。