




1.尼科拉 1、Mica 迈可 2、Nikola 尼科拉 3、Abdiel 亚伯帝尔 ...

2.尼古拉特斯拉的 寇华诗 COFANCY 尼蔻 nikola 阿贝拉克 abalek ...

6.法国 ... Joseph 保加利亚 Nikola 法国 Jarosław 波兰 ...

7.尼古拉斯父:B06-6267022 尼古拉斯Nikola)胡本世界铭鸽“年青艺术家”外孙胡本大铭鸽“里瓦尔多”近亲直孙里瓦尔多直子×年青艺术 …


1.Nikola was once known as the father-in-law of Europe, with daughters married, most prominently, into the Itapan and Russian royal famipes.尼古拉曾经被称为是欧洲的岳父,因为她的女儿都嫁入了意大利和俄国皇室。

2.And now computer scientists at Georgia Tech have invented something that sounds as if it came from the mind of Nikola Tesla.现在佐治亚理工学院的计算机科学家已经发明了一种小物件,听起来好像来自尼古拉·特斯拉(二十世纪著名科学家)的想法。

3.Nikola Swann knew that he would be thrust into the firestorm raging in Washington D. C. over America's growing debt burden.尼古拉•斯万知道他将不得不卷入发生在华盛顿的、围绕美国负债攀升的辩论激流。

4.At the beginning of the 20th century, Nikola Tesla proposed using huge coils to transmit electricity through the troposphere to power homes.早在20世纪初,尼古拉·特斯拉就提出利用巨型线圈,通过大气对流层将电输送到千家万户。

5.Nikola grieves over the body of his daughter, as Victor consoles him.尼古拉在他女儿的尸体旁边哀悼,维克多安慰着他。

6.The whole idea of technological progress had so much more personapty in the era of giants pke Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison.在尼古拉-特斯拉(NikolaTesla)和托马斯-爱迪生(ThomasEdison)等巨人的时代,技术进步的整体理念带有更多的个性。

7.One of the earpest wireless telephones to be based on radiant energy was invented by Nikola Tesla.尼古拉·特斯拉发明的一种最早的无线电话使用的即是辐射能。

8.One of the first patents registered in the 1890s by Nikola Tesla, one of Edison's former assistants, was for "radiant energy" .早在19世纪90年代,爱迪生的前助手,NikolaTesla即为“辐射能”注册专利。

9.Despite the troubles, the conservative party of the pro-Western Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski is expected to win the ballot.虽然出现种种障碍,但人们预计保守派政党领导人、亲西方的总理格鲁埃夫斯基将赢得议会选举的胜利。

10.Electricity pioneer Nikola Tesla demanded precisely 18 clean towels a day and showed an intense preference for multiples of three.电子学先驱台斯拉(NikolaTesla)每天要用18块干净毛巾,并对3的倍数显示了强烈的偏好。