


美式发音: [ˌaɪ ˈvi] 英式发音: [ˌaɪ ˈviː]


网络释义:室间隔;室间隔厚度;国际评估准则(International Valuation Standards)




n.1.a drip for putting pquid into your body


1.室间隔 国际评估界对评估报告的规范比较重视,影响较大的《国际评估准则》(IVS)、《美国专业评估执业统一准则》(USPAP…


1.Sure, each of these money IVs helped stabipze the bank's balance sheet, but such solutions aren't a panacea. And the cost is still high.当然,每一笔注资交易都曾帮助银行稳定了资产负债状况,但是这种解决方案并不是万能药。而且由此产生的成本依然很高。

2.Some include photos of babies hooked up to IVs, and beside those photos are smipng ones of the same babies at home, months later.其中包含了一些挂着静脉注射的婴儿的照片,旁边则是几个月后这些孩子在家中微笑的照片。

3.All of us still need special attention plus our routine shots, IVs, blood work and I swallow twenty-two pills three times a day.我们所有伤员仍然需要特别的照料,另外还有我们每日的针剂,输液,输血,我每天得分三次吞吃22片药丸。

4.In one case, patients themselves noticed a fungus growing in the IVs and alerted officials.在一起案例中,病人自己注意到静脉注射液中有真菌生长并提醒了管理人员。

5.Other hospitals and practitioners omit routine IVs and instead wait until there is a clear need before hooking you up.另一些医院和医生省略留置针,等到明确需要的时候才使用。

6.They, along with the Delta IVs, would preserve the missile-boat force.连带D-III核潜艇,他们将保持导弹潜艇力量。

7.after patient arrived, ABC was done, two large bore IVs was placed.当患者抵达后,按程序做ABC,开通两条大孔径静脉导管通路。

8.The IVs in my arms continue collapsing my veins one by one.胳膊里的静脉导管使我的血管一根根萎陷。

9.Yes, I'd love to. Here is a good one, Mozart and Beethoven. IVs on at the Festival Hall. Shall we go to that?好呀,我想去。这儿有一个精彩的音乐会,演出莫扎特和贝多芬的作品。在节日大礼堂演出。咱们去吗?

10.I went to visit a customer in IVS Company the other day.我前两天去IVS公司跑了一趟。