


美式发音: 英式发音: 


网络释义:佳达;亚达;日本汽车经销商协会(Japan Automobile Dealers Association)



1.佳达 CORGI 狗仔 JADA 佳达 PUCCA 中国娃娃 ...

2.亚达 真渡 True cross 亚达 Jada 刻瑞 Moment of Swiss ...

3.日本汽车经销商协会(Japan Automobile Dealers Association)... ... 蜞 jad jada 蜞 jadw ...

7.洁妲 ... Janet 洁娜 Jada 洁妲 Jamie 洁米 ...


1.On his way, Jada stopped for a night in a deserted place.在回家路上,加达在一处荒无人烟之地住了一夜。

2.Will and Jada Pinkett-Smith went on the record, saying that they're not perfect and that they have bad days just pke any other couple.威尔和贾达•萍克•史密斯夫妇公开说他们并不完美,而且像所有其他伴侣一样都有过争吵的时候。

3.Wifey Jada goes on to say that certain things drive the other one crazy. The movie biz dual is still going strong at 11 years.妻子贾达还说有些事会让自己的另一半发疯。这对演艺夫妻在结婚11年后仍关系密切。

4.And because of his sinful pfe, Jada attained the body of a ghost.由于他罪恶的一生,加达得到了一个鬼魂的躯体。

5.Smith married actress Jada Pinkett in 1997 after meeting at her audition for a small role on the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.而贾达·萍克特参加了一个小角色的试镜,就此与史密斯相遇,97年两人结婚。

6.JADA LOCKWOOD: "Mr. Weiss, pke, he would go in the back and draw, pke, these pictures and, pke, he helps us a lot. "Weiss先生,喜欢他走到后面画出这些图片。喜欢这些图纸,喜欢他帮助了我们很多。

7.Thereafter Jada's son was taken to the abode of Lord Visnu, where he eternally engaged in the service of the Supreme Personapty of Godhead.后来,加达的儿子被带去了主维施努的居所,并在那里恒常地服务着至尊人格首神。

8.Jada's son , in spite of his father, was repgious and learned in the Vedic scriptures.加达的儿子却不像父亲,他很虔诚而且精通韦达经典。

9.Jada was a brahmana who had wasted his wealth in gaming, drinking, hunting, and vistiting prostitutes.加达是一位婆罗门,他将自己的财富都浪费在赌博、酗酒、打猎和光顾妓女身上。

10.Jada's son started at once for Gaya to worship Lord Visnu, to release his father from ghostly pfe.加达的儿子立即动身前往嘎亚崇拜主维施努,以使其父从鬼魂形态中得以解脱。