


美式发音: [ˈdʒeɪlˌbeɪt] 英式发音: ['dʒeɪl.beɪt]





1.祸水妞,祸水郎(指与之发生性关系即构成犯罪的未成年人)a girl or boy who is too young to have sex with legally


n.1.someone who is sexually attractive but too young to have sex with legally

1.祸水妞 pound cake 甜妞儿 jailbait 祸水妞 minimasa 首都靓妞 ...

2.祸水妞儿 breezy 微风习习的 7) jailbait 祸水妞儿 2) a plain Jane 不起眼的女人 3) ...

3.未成年之恋 it 【口】性感;性交 jailbait 性感女郎 erogenous 唤起情慾的;性感的 ...

5.监狱生活 ... bait: 诱饵 jailbait: 未成年少女 text: 发短信 ...


1.Don't be so proud of having such a girl. She might be your jailbait.别太引以为自豪了。那个女孩子说不定就是你的祸水呢。

2.It was the jailbait that had ruined his once happy marriage.是那个祸水妞毁了他原本美满的婚姻。

3.Making money by drug trafficking is a jailbait , you can make a fortune over night but you will end up in jail sooner or later.用贩毒来赚钱是会导致犯罪入狱的,你可以一夜之间赚一大笔钱但是将会在监狱里度过余生。

4.There are four kinds of traditional Chinese female images under male's visual angle: mending the sky, repair the land, stunner , jailbait.在男性视角下,中国传统女性形象可以分为四种类型:补天型、地型、物型和祸水型。

5.Making money by drug trafficking is a jailbait ; you can make a fortune over night but you will end up in jail sonner or later.靠卖药挣钱总归是个犯罪,你可能一夜致富但是你迟早会坐牢的。

6.I would rather marry a plain Jane who causes no trouble than a pretty face who may be come a jailbait.我宁愿和一个相貌平平但是安稳的女孩子结婚也不愿意娶个招灾惹祸的漂亮妞。

7.Jesus. No, I swear I had no idea, baby. I mean, look at her. I mean, she's jailbait.天,我发誓我不知道,看看她,让人误以为是成年人。

8.She'; s a beautiful girl-but beware, she'; s jailbait.她是个漂亮姑娘,但是要当心,可是个祸水妞儿啊。