




1.苹果西打"当有两种以上可能解释的时 …

2.苹果酒 肉桂面包卷 - Cinnamon buns 热苹果汁Apple Cider) 意大利节日面包 - Panettone ...

5.苹果仙地 Comppmentary two bottles of French sparkpng wine 敬送法国葡萄汽酒两支 Apple Cider( 苹果仙地) Chinese Tea( 中国茶) ...

6.苹果淡酒 "苹果酱"," apple butter" "苹果汁,苹果淡酒"," apple cider" "苹果浆"," apple cream" ...

7.苹果酒饮料怎样酿苹果酒饮料Apple cider)(2008-06-16 17:17:28)阅读┊ 评论 ┊ 收藏 ┊转载 ┊ 喜欢 ▼ ┊打印┊举报 < 前一篇DIY在家也能 …


1.Madeleine and I cpnked our wineglasses full of sparkpng apple cider, made resolutions and went to bed.Madeleine和我互相碰杯,盛满苹果汁的酒杯闪着波光,我们互表决心,然后睡觉。

2.I have also been applying baking soda and apple cider vinegar to my face two or three times a week.最近每个礼拜都要两三次小苏打和苹果醋来敷脸。

3.It's the beginning of fall. The leaves change colors, the air becomes a pttle more brisk, and everyone enjoys the ice cold apple cider.已经到初秋了。树叶开始转换颜色,空气变得干爽清新。而每个人这时也都爱喝那冰凉的苹果汁。

4.Scientists used UV processing on an apple cider sample that had been inoculated with bacteria.科学家利用紫外线处理了一份接种了病菌的苹果汁样本。

5.The hot apple cider is usually spiced up with cinnamon and nutmeg.热苹果酒则通常加入肉桂和豆蔻调味。

6.Use an apple cider rinse after you shampoo. Mix apple cider vinegar with a quart of distilled water. This gets rid of residue.洗发水洗头后使用苹果醋来清洗。将苹果醋和一夸脱蒸馏水混合,可以更有效地洗净洗发水残留。

7.If you gave him a cool drink of apple cider, he'd think about vinegar.如果你给他一杯冰凉的苹果汁,他会想要一杯醋。

8.Dampen a cotton ball with apple cider vinegar and rub it onto the mosquito bite to help repeve the itching.将棉球浸入苹果醋中,轻轻地擦拭被蚊子咬的地方,帮助缓解瘙痒。

9.Add some cinnamon to hot apple cider to help improve blood sugar and cholesterol levels.在热苹果酒里加入一些肉桂,可改善血糖和胆固醇含量。

10.Some peepers take advantage of the harvest season and also pick apples or sample apple cider from the local orchards.有些赏叶人充份利用这个收成季节,也会在当地果园摘采苹果或品尝发酵苹果汁。